Six's vengance

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It was in the town of Beverley Hills, California. It was the middle of the night. There were only three men in the bar, including the bartender. Two men at a booth were drunk, in a conversation about the past. These men were Tom Evans and Roland Willow. Then the door opened. A young woman entered. She had blue eyes, and short black hair. The two men looked at her enter. She walked to the bartender. "Glass of wine, please." She said. The bartender looked at her. "Sorry hun, I'm going to have to see some I.D." He said. The girl smiled. "I don't think you need an I.D." She said. And just as she expected, the man smiled, and nodded, grabbing a wine glass.

Tom and Roland walked over to her with their drinks. "What's a girl like you doing at this time of night?" Tom asked. The girl smiled. "Had to get out of the house." She said.

The bartender put the glass of wine in front of her. She took a sip. "The best." She said. She looked at Tom and Roland. "What brings you boys to the bar at this time?" She asked. Roland chuckled. "Wife kicked me out. Didn't like my attitude." He said. Tom laughed, and spoke up. "I'm travelling. Didn't like Indiana that much." The girl smiled at Tom.

"I lived in Indiana." She said. "My family had lived there for the longest time." She said. Tom looked interested. The girl nodded her head. "Yes. Good old Hawkins." Toms smile suddenly dropped, looking nervous. Roland was confused. "How rude of me, I never introduced myself. I'm Adrienne." She said. Tom looked more nervous. She rolled up her sleeve, for Tom to see the numbers 006. Tom was now terrified.

Roland saw her arm, and went into his pocket, for his pocket knife. Adrienne knew this, and tilted her neck. Suddenly, Rolands neck snapped, and he fell to the floor. Tom tried to get up, but Adrienne held his arm down. "What were you thinking?" She asked. "Following Brenner?" "I was just following orders." Tom said. Suddenly, Adriennes hands were on fire, burning Toms arm. Tom was screaming in pain from the burning. The bartender grabbed a gun hidden in his drawer. "Freeze!" He yelled. Adrienne looked at him. "Shoot her!" Tom yelled. But the bartender couldn't. The trigger wouldn't move. Adriennes other hand was on fire. She shot the fire at the bartender, catching him on fire.

Blood dripped out of Adriennes nose. She wiped it away with one sleeve. Tom was in pain, and terrified. "Please, Adrienne. Don't." Adrienne decided to let go of Toms arm, Tom taking deep breaths. Then, she put both her hands on Toms head. "You were the person I disliked the most in the lab." She said. "I'm looking for people. Like me." Suddenly, her eyes glowed red. Then turned back to blue. "Thank you, Tom." She said. And with one last look at him, she killed him.

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