True Feelings

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El sat on the Byers couch. Hearing that Will was gone broke her heart. Throughout the whole year, they had been for each other like a brother and sister. She was the one to comfort him in the Upside Down, and he was the one to help her if she ever had trouble thinking of her past.

Then El thought of Hopper. He had been like a father to her. Now, he was struggling from something Adrienne did to him.

Two people El loved were gone from her. But she knew she wouldn't allow anyone else to be taken away. Not Mike, not Joyce, no one. She got up from the couch, and stepped outside, feeling the cold January air.

She walked into the woods to Castle Byers. She didn't care about any rules. It was evening anyways. As she made her way through the woods, she saw Castle Byers atop a hill. She knew she had to tell Winter. El walked up the hill, and to the fort. She tore back the sheets, but found Winters Fox, laying inside, curled up. It seemed to be silently whimpering. El stepped near the Fox. She sometimes saw it running by Winters side. "Where did she go?" She asked herself.

Then, El heard something. Loud music. She expected it to be one of the teenagers in the town, as parties were known to happen. But, it became more familiar. The type of music it was, the people singing along to it. It couldn't be. "Sister?" El whispered to herself.

El ran back up to the Byers house, to see a van pull up. It was Kalis van. El never thought she would see it again. Out stepped Kali. She walked right up to the house. El was right behind her. "Sister." She yelled out.

Kali froze on the front porch. She turned around. "Jane?" She said. El nodded. Kali walked forward. "Jane... I heard about what happened to the police officer, and how you were... Oh, I'm so sorry." Kali suddenly embraced El.

El backed away. "After what you tried to make me do," She said. "I don't know if I should trust you." Kali nodded. "I want your help, Jane." She said. "There's someone like us. She's... Powerful." She said. El looked at Kali. "The Girl with Red Eyes." She said.

Kali smiled at the name. Then, looked nervous. El was confused. Kali closed her eyes for a little bit. And when she opened them, they were glowing red. El was now extremely confused. Then, the van opened again. El turned around, to see Adrienne. "Hello, Jane." She said. El saw Adrienne had a ring on her finger, with the jewel glowing red. The same as Kalis eyes. Adrienne smiled, showing El her ring. "Basically, with this on, I am the Brain to whoever I chose to control." She explained. Black smoke seemed to be coming out of her hands.

Out of the van came Will, his eyes glowing red as well. El was shocked. "Will..." She said. Will just looked at her. Adrienne smiled. "Like Kali, I control him as well.  I know how he feels. I know his every thought. I have a better control over him than the shadow monster from the other world." Adrienne explained again. El focused on Adrienne, hate in her eyes. "Jane, you can either join your true family, or I will make you join." She said.

El looked at Adrienne. She thought of what to say. She alwuas heard Hopper, Max, even Joyce use one word if they were angry or upset at something. El looked at Adrienne, and said, "Fuck you."

Adrienne lost her temper. El suddenly slid across the ground to her, then was rising in the air, so she was now face to face with Adtienne, her hell-lit eyes looking into Els soul. "Join me. I will give you your real family. Different from the rest of the world. You could be yourself." She said. El resisted. "No." Adrienne looked deep into her eyes.

Suddenly, El was engulfed in darkness. Then, she was at the lab, being pulled away from Brenner. "Papa!" El yelled desperately, not wanting to be left alone in the room she knew she would be taken to. "Papa!" She yelled again. And behind Brenner, entered Eleven, in the outfit and makeup Kali gave her. Eleven smiled at her. El was now thrown into the room, and locked inside. She began banging on the door. "Papa!" She yelled. She would not give up. "Papa!"

"Papa... Papa..." El was muttering under her breath. She was now on the ground. Adrienne looked at Will. "Like your little girlfriend, she'll probably be dead in an hour." She said. "You said you would give her a family." Will said. Adrienne smiled, looking at Will. "Sweetie, she had her chance. Plus, we already have a telekenetic member on the team." Adrienne climbed back onto the Van. Will looked at El laying in the ground. But Adriennes control took over, and Will got back into the van, in which it drive off into Hawkins.

El lay on the earth. Still in her awful hallucination. She was still banging on the door, crying. "There's no way out, Jane." El's ego was right behind her, sitting in a corner. "You're going to die here, the place you hated the most. I'm going to watch you die, Jane. And when you do, I'll take over, and join the real family."

Jonathan had just driven up to the driveway, after picking up new film for his camera. He noticed someone laying in the front yard. Curious, he got out, and saw who it was. El. He ran towards her, and shook her. She was in the same condition as Hopper. But she looked worse. Much worse. "Shit!" He yelled. He picked her up, and layed her down in the back of his car. As he drove off again, he knew exactly where to go.

Mikes P.O.V:

Mike sat in his room. It was only 10:50 PM, and time seemed to be going by slowly. Then, he heard a car going fast outside. Then, he heard a car screech, and a car honk. Confused, Mike looked out his window to see Jonathans car. Over the horn, he heard Jonathan yelling, "Mike!" Mike rushed out of his room, and out of his house.

He met Jonathan outside, getting something outside of his car. Mike was shocked to see who it was. El. "It's just like Hoppers condition." Jonathan said, carefully laying El on the ground. "But she looks worse." Mike ran forward, and shook El. "El, it's me." He said.

Els P.O.V:

El was now crying against the corner, while Eleven seemed to be patiently waiting. "Giving yourself out, Jane?" She asked. "You were always weak." Then, El heard a voice. It wasn't a doctors, but a voice that made her feel better. A voice, that she knew everything would be okay. "El, please wake up." "Mike." El said. Eleven was shocked. "That's not possible." She said. El got up, and walked to the door. It opened. And Brenner did not stand at the opening. Mike stood there, smiling, his hand held out. El reached out for it, when she looked back at her ego, shocked. "Goodbye, Eleven." She said. She took Mikes hand, and everything seemed to be brighter...

El awoke, gasping. She looked to her right, to see Mike, tears in his eyes. "Oh, El. I was so..." He began to say. Then, he hugged her. She hugged him back, not letting go. "Mike..." She said. "Mike, I Love You." Those were the words she meant to tell him before, but she was cut off.

Mike looked at her, smiling. "El... I love you too." She said. Then, the two kissed. El had always felt safe with Mike. Now, letting her feelings take over, she did not want to leave him. Then, she remembered. "Mike, she has Will. The Girl with Red Eyes has Will. I know where they are."

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