The secret of Sam Owens

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Sam Owens drove up to Hawkins Lab, with a backpack. After being let in by the high security, he walked into the lab. Doctors were doing their usual work. Owens got into an elevator, and clicked to floor 6. As he went up, he was twitching his fingers. He was nervous what he would find out.

The elevator opened, and Owens walked out. He remembered the evening he talked to Hopper and Joyce, and Hopper asked him to see if he could find any reports hidden of missing kids such as Eleven. So he talked to doctors who knew Brenner, if he went into a certain room that he would hide something. And they always gave him the same answer. Room 450 on the 6th floor.

As Owens passed through the hallway, he finally found the room. 450. He tried opening the door, but it was locked. He had an idea a friend told him. He took out his credit card, and slid it through the crack, trying to get to the lock. Eventually, it worked, and he unlocked the door. Owens stepped inside, and saw the room was an office. He saw a drawer. He opened it up. There were folders in there, labeled from 001 to 016. He chose the one that said 011. He opened it. It had a birth certificate saying 'Jane Ives' with her parents names, and her birth date. But as Owens saw her parents names, he only saw her mother name, Terry Ives. The father must have either been unknown, or hidden from the doctors.

Owens came across 012. He pulled it out, but something fell out. A silver necklace. Owens picked it up. It had a snowflake hanging from the bottom. Owens put it in his pocket, and opened up the folder. Another birth certificate, with the name Winter Newman. Daughter to Joseph and Anabelle Newman. He looked through, and more papers came out. Notes from Dr. Brenner. There were none of those in Elevens folder. Brenner must have taken them. 'Twelves powers have been getting stronger. She can appear from one place to another. If it wasn't for the strong electric walls, she would have escaped by now.' 'Twelve tricked us, and escaped from her room. She found room 450, and found her birth certificate. She knows her real name.' Owens looked through the notes. Winter Newman could teleport. Then, Owens pulled out the necklace. He saw the snowflake. The necklace must have had a connection to her.

He put the 011 and 012 folder into his backpack. He looked through, and he came to 006. Owens looked through Sixs binder. Then, he recognised the girl at the Hawkins Middle School burning. She was involved. And not only that, she was a subject for Brenner. Owens looked at the notes. 'Six's powers have increased. She has multiple powers. She could be the strongest we ever dealt with.' Owens re-read it. Even Dr. Brenner admited Six was dangerous. Owens knew he had to keep his eyes out. He saw her birth certificate covered by other papers, but was in a rush, for people would think it suspicious if they saw him in the office, and didn't have time to pull it out.

As Owens got back to the car, he started it. It made the noise, but wouldn't turn on. He kept turning the key, even hitting the side. It wouldn't start. He looked ahead, then froze. Standing in front of him was the girl known as Six. Fire was rising from her hands. She walked forward, with an evil grin on her face, when she stopped. She looked at Owens, and her grin turned into a shocked look. It was as if she knew Owens from somewhere. Then, she vanished.

Owens car started up. He knew it was Six. The most powerful experiment person with abilities, according to Brenner. And, he was positive she was the one who set the middle school on fire. But there was something Owens saw in the girl. Even in the newspaper, but Owens kept it hidden from Joyce and Hopper. She seemed familiar to him, as he saw he seemed familiar to her as well. Owens had no idea how she looked familiar. Did he know her from somewhere? Owens shook his head, and began to drive.

As Owens got back to his house, he remembered he hadn't checked Six's birth certificate. He took out her folder, and opened it. When he got to her birth certificate covered by notes and newspaper articles, his heart stopped. He was shaking, and even felt water in his eyes as he looked at her certificate.

Adrienne Jean Owens
Born: Febuary 16th, 1967
Parents: Samuel and Victoria Owens

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