The Ring

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1986 had begun. Adrienne sat on a beaten up sofa. Her eyes were closed shut. She was focusing. She did what Brenner had told her. "Breath." She remembered him saying. "Just... Breath."

Adrienne slowly breathed in and out. Then, she opened her eyes. She was in complete darkness. As she expected, El appeared. She was resting on a couch. Adrienne felt she was ill. "Get well." She said to El. As she expected, El had disappeared.

Adrienne concentrated again. She was suddenly in a dark room. In that room was a stone table, with a ring with a small red diamond on top of it. Adrienne tried to grab it, but her fingers passed right through it. Adrienne sighed. She could have teleported in her real form, but she needed to pass this test. It would make her stronger. She thought of how determined she was to have the ring in her hand, and reached down for it. This time, she felt it in her hands.

Adrienne opened her eyes from the darkness. She was back on the sofa. She looked at her hand. She was holding the ring. She smiled. She had done it. She passed the test.

"Adrienne?" Adrinne looked behind her. Kali was standing behind the sofa. "Have you slept at all?" She asked. Adrienne looked at her watch. 2:00 AM. Adrienne grinned. "I'm a night person." She said. She looked at the ring in her hand again, and showed Kali. Kali was amazed. "It's beautiful. Where did you find it?" She asksd. "I made it." Adrienne said.

The story about the ring was a long story, and Kali shouldn't have known. Then, Adrienne went through memories. She tried to hold it back, but memories started flowing through her head. "Adrienne, what's wrong?" Kali asked, seeing Adriennes face was full of distress.

Adrienne looked at Kali. "Kali, I need to tell you something." She said. "I've been trying to hide it, I didn't want to scare you." Kali was confused. Adrienne sighed. "It would be to long to explain. I need to show you." Adrienne looked right into Kalis eyes, and they glowed bright red. Suddenly, Kali felt the world around her fading away, and found herself in a laboratory. 

In a room, was a little girl, terrified. A younger Adrienne, around thirteen. She could not teleport out, becsuse the walls were very strong with electricity. She heard doctors walking by, and overheard their conversation. "Seven found something today in the tank. One moment, he was focusing on the soldier. The next, he was in another world. He saw something. He could hear what it was saying. It was like he was a leader." Adrienne was curious in what they had been talking about.

The setting changed. It was now in a giant room. Brenner was leading Adrienne to the top of a stairway to a sensory deprivation tank. "Six, you are going to go on a mission." He said. "If you see something, it would not be able to hurt you. Remember that." Brenner explained. Adrienne nodded, and was placed in the tank, closing her eyes.

When Adrienne had opened them, she was in a dark place. She searchd the area. Then, heard something. As if something was moving. Then, from the sky, was a gigantic shadow, which seemed to have 5 long legs, and a long head. Adrienne looked up at it. Suddenly, the thing quickly flew towards her, knocking her over. And a part of its leg detatched from its body, and flew towards her. Adrienne screamed, blasting fire from her hands at it. The thing burned in the air. But the creature wasn't done yet. Anogher piece came off, and this time, it caught her.

In the laboratory, Adrienne was screaming in her tank, begging to be let out. Then, the power in the lab was acting crazy, lights flashing on and off. But in the middle of the room, was a diamond ring on a table, wires connected to it. The wires were connected to the tank, and whatever power Adrienne was absorbing, was being brought to the ring. The ring was changing appearance. The golden area was becoming darker, and the clear diamond was becoming red.

Suddenly, the tank had broken open, and water spilled out, along with Adrienne, unconscious. Brenner was amazed. He looked at the ring. It was from a volunteer. It had changed. He touched it. It burned in his hand. The powers may not have worked now, but if a gate was ever open, then the rings power would work.

"We need to hide it." Brenner had said at a meeting, to a small group of doctors. "Only me and the rest of you know how it could work. We need to grab it only for the right time. If anyone finds out about this, they will go crazy." The doctors looked at each other. Then, one doctor stood up. "There is an area in the woods, that was used for mining in the past. It's a tunnel, with a small room. We can seal the hole back up so nobody could get suspicious. But we need to keep our eyes open if it ever collapses." Bfenner nodded at the idea. He told a small box out of his pocket. "Don't let anyone take it." He said. The doctor nodded.

Unknown to the doctors, they were being spied on. Adrienne, using her powers, listened to the whole conversation.

Months went by, Adrienne was focusing in her room. She thought of the Hawkins woods. A place she had been when she was a little girl. She took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. She focused. She felt the electric shock. She tried to block it out, no matter how much it hurt. She stayed focused. 'The Woods... The Woods... The Woods..." The electricity was to strong. Adrienne took a deep breath. She thought of the hell Brenner put her through. She thought of how she was taken from her family. She thought of how scared she was of that thing in the sky. 'The Woods... The Woods... The Woods..." Adrienne felt the electricity burn her, then it stopped. She opened her eyes. She was in the Hawkins forest. She was out of the lab.

Kali was suddenly back where she was before. She looked at Adrienne, who's eyes were blue, tears in her eyes. "I am... Still confused." Kali said. "How is the ring connected to the creature?" Adrienne put the ring on. "Well, the creature from that world, was believed to control life forms." She explained. "But this ring, absorbed the creatures power. So, this ring can control the creature, and whatever else it controls." Kali had another question. "What are you going to use it for?" She asked. Adrienne smiled. "I'm glad you asked that. See, with the ring on, I have one of the creatures powers." Kali noticed black smoke coming out of Adriennes hand. "Choosing life forms. See, if I send this cloud to them, it will enter to their mind, and I will have control of them as long as I have the ring on. For example, Jane doesn't seem fond of joining us. So, I will use this to make her join us." Kali had a very bad feeling about this.

"See Kali, when we have Jane on our side, we will finally..." Suddenly, a crack at the floor. Adrienne looked at Kali who was angry. "No." She said. Adrienne was confused. "Excuse me?" She said. Kali looked at her. "I thought I could trust you. I thought you were like Jane. No. You are worse. Much worse than her." Kali made Adrienne think that objects were floating in the air. Adrienne was shocked. "Get out." Kali said. "I never want to see you again."

Adrienne looked at her. She was angry. "Who the hell do you think you are? I wanted to do this together!" She said. "But if you won't do this, I will make you." Adrienne rose her hand, and a black cloud hit Kali, going through her mouth. Kali was coughing, and knelt on the floor. The ring was shining red. "Get up." She said. "Get up!"

Kali slowly got up. Her eyes were now shining red like the ring. Adrienne was smiling. The ring worked after all. "Hey!" The voice was behind her. She turned around. Axel, Dottie, and the rest of the gang were behind her. "What did you do to her?" Axel asked. Adrienne smiled. "The same thing I will do to you." Adrienne said. And threw 4 smoke clouds at the gang, hearing them scream.

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