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Hopper was in his bed in the hospital. Terrible memories still going through his head. Then, something changed. From a terrible memory in Vietnam, Joyce appeared. He found himself outside of the Middle school, by her car. He just dropped off El to dance with Mike at the Snowball. Joyce saw him, and smiled. "Hey." She said. "Will said he was fine. I believe him. He's got his friends. And Jonathan's in there anyways." Hopper nodded, and smiled.

"Joyce!" It was the first thing Hopper said when he woke up. He found himself in the hospital bed, he got up, and felt sore. Then, Owens ran into the room. "Jim! You're awake!" He said. Hopper looked at him. "Owens. What are you doing here?" He asked. "I was checking in you of course." Owens said. "Joyce was here earlier, and... I heard you yell her name."

Hopper was confused. "Really?" He asked. Owens nodded. "Where you thinking about her?" He asked. Hopper didn't answer, and got himself up. "Where's El?" He asked. "She's been staying at the Byers." Owens said. "I can take you there. My cars right outside." He said.

As Hopper and Owens left the hospital room, they saw people were looking nervous. A Nurse ran to them. "Gentlemen, I must warn you to be careful out there." She said. Hopper and Owens were confused. "Why?" Hopper asked. "Well, there have been reports of flying humanoid figures going in the directon of Hawkins Lab. And after everything that happened last year, people are nervous."

Hopper looked at the Nurse, then at Owens. He moved forward, and Owens followed. "Okay, change of plans. Bring me to my trailer first, I have a spare gun there." He said. "Then, you need to take me to the lab. I'm sure now with something crazy going on there, El and the others are there." He explained.

Hopper and Owens left the hospital, and got into Owens car. "Listen, Jim, before we go, there's something you must know." Owens said. "Yeah? What's that?" Hopper asked. "The girl that put you in that coma... She's my daughter."

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