El's discovery

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It was 10:00 PM at Hoppers cabin. El couldn't sleep. Something was keeping her up. She got out of bed, and quietly opened the door. She went to the living room, and sat in front of the telivision. She put a blindfold over her eyes, and her hands on the telivision. She concentrated.

As she expected, she was in complete darkness. She thought hard, and Mike appeared in front of her. He wasn't even asleep yet, still sitting on his bed. El saw Mikes radio on his dresser, and put her hand on it. "Mike..." She said. Mike looked around, obviously confused. El smiled. It worked. "Mike." She said again. Mike looked at his radio. He picked it up. "Hello?" He said to it. "Hi Mike." El said. Mikes eyes widened. "El? Is that you?" He asked. "Yeah, it's me." El said. Mike smiled. "Did Hopper give you your own radio?" He asked. "No." El said. "I don't even need a radio." Mike was amazed. "That's incredible." He said. El looked at him. She realised he could not see her. She spoke to him again. "I can see you." She said. Mike was confused, then an awkward look came to his face. "For how long?" He asked. El was confused as well. "Just a few minutes." El said. Mike seemed to sigh in relief.

"I couldn't sleep." El said. "What's wrong?" Mike asked. El sighed. "It's just... Everything feels different ever since you explained to me about my eggo." She said. Mike started laughing. "Ego, El. It's called Ego." El smiled. "Yeah, that. I just keep wondering, what would happen if it does get out of control? I can hurt someone. Maybe even you. Mike, I don't want to hurt anyone..." Mike looked at the radio. "Hey, shush. It's okay." Mike said. "Even if you hurt me, I would forgive you. And damnit, I would find a way to help you, the best I could." El smiled again. "Promise?" She said. Mike nodded. "Promise." He said. El put her hand on his shoulder. She knew he could not feel it.

Then, she felt something different in the atmosphere. Mike heard it, as it messed with the static of his radio. Mike looked confused. "El, what was that?" He asked. "I... Don't know." El said. Then, Mike vanished. El looked behind her. Someone appeared from the shadows. Kali. El recognised her immediatly. El was about to walk forward, when something held her back. Kali was not alone. Then, out of the shadows, came another girl, wearing a black leather jacket. But El immediatly knew this girl was like her and Kali. She had powers. But El sensed more than one power in her.

"We have to stick to our plan, if we will ever need Jane or the Byers boy, or whoever else we can find." The girl said to Kali. Suddenly, she stopped where she was. Kali looked confused. "Adrienne, are you..." Kali asked, but Adrienne put her hand up to silence her. Suddenly, Adriennes blue eyes turned red. And, she looked right at El. Could Adrienne see El? Her question was answered quickly, with Adrienne smiling. "We are not alone, Kali." She said. "What do you mean?" Kali asked. "I mean, Eleven, or Jane, is spying on us right now." Adrienne said. Kali was shocked. "You can see her?" She asked. Adrienne nodded. Kali looked forward. "Jane?" She said.

El made them disappear. She was shocked, almost scared. Could Adrienne see her? El was about to take off her blindfold, when someone else appeared behind her. A man, in his early twenties. He seemed to be at a restraunt table, eating a meal. El could feel power in him as well. Was he like her? Then, she saw him accidently cut himself with his knife. He saighed, and focused on the cut. It healed very quickly. El was amazed. He could heal himself. Then, the man disappeared. And right behind El appeared a boy. Around Mikes age. She could hear him talking. "If anyone outside is listening, I need you to help me. Please, help me." El saw the boy was not moving his mouth at all. He could communicate through the mind. Something appeared next to the boy. A wall, with the numbers C10. The boy and the walls vanished. El was left in complete darkness again. Then, as El expected, someone appeared behind El. She was sleeping, a few blankets covering her. El guessed she had powers. But since she was sleeping, she wasn't sure. El looked closely at her right arm, and saw her sleeve was unrolled. 012 was shown. Then, something appeared around the girl. A wooden fort, with a label in the front. 'Castle Byers' This girl was near Wills house. Did Will know her already? El was asking herself to many questions.

El took the blindfold off. She couldn't believe what she saw. Then, she ran back to her room, grabbing a blank piece of paper, and a pen. She started writing what she discovered. After a few minutes, she finished, and looked at it.

Adrienne. Very powerful. Can see me if I spy on her
Unknown Man. Can heal himself
Unknown boy. Can communicate through mind. Room C10. Possibly kidnapped
012. Unknown power. Is at Castle Byers near Wills house

El looked at the list again. She thanked Hopper to teach her how to write. She discovered four other people like her and Kali. One of them already found Kali. However, El didn't know whether to trust Adrienne or not. But it seemed Kali had. Staying by her side. But it seemed Adrienne was looking for the others, to do things El didn't even want to know about. El knew these other people she discovered were innocent, and didn't need to be under control. She had to find these people beofre Adrienne did.

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