~chapter five~ sorry

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Date: 6/6/17

Current Time: 5:49 pm 

stantheman: Bill

stantheman: Bill, I'm sorry.                                                                                                                                                 Read 5:49 pm

stantheman: My phone wasn't on me. 

bill.den: that's what they all say

stantheman: What are you talking about?

bill.den: this happens a lot when i'm home alone and i always try to call my mom, but she uses the same excuse

stantheman: It's not an excuse. I'm serious.

bill.den: sure

stantheman: Don't be like that.

bill.den: i have every right to be like this

stantheman: I know you do. 

stantheman: Listen, I was at Temple. I'm not allowed to bring my phone there. 

bill.den: you're Jewish?

stantheman: Yeah. Is that a problem?

bill.den: no i didn't say it was

stantheman: Can you just tell me if you're alright? 

bill.den: i'll be ok

stantheman: You should talk about it. 

bill.den: no

stantheman: You're seriously making me worried. 

bill.den: im not one to waste time worrying about

stantheman: Yes, you are.                                                                                                                                                     Read 6:14 pm

bill.den has gone offline 

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