~chapter thirty two~ happy

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Date: 7/1/17

Current Time: 12:22 pm

bill.den: hi, you busy?

beaverly: nope. i'm off the hook for the day

bill.den: well, i wanted to talk to you about something

beaverly: yeah? 

beaverly: what is it?

bill.den: do you remember when i asked for advice for that friend last month?

beaverly: mhm

bill.den: the advice was actually for me...

bill.den: i'm gay

beaverly: i know

bill.den: what do you mean?

beaverly: i've known for a while now 

beaverly: i'm not gonna lie. you made it pretty obvious

bill.den: oh 

beaverly: don't worry

beaverly: the others are definitely okay with it 

bill.den: they've known?!

beaverly: bill, come on

bill.den: ugh

beaverly: i'm just happy you figured it out and told me. that takes a lot of guts

bill.den: maybe. i'm happy too

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