~chapter eighteen~ clementine

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Date: 6/24/17

Current Time: 4:11 pm

beaverly: heyy

Current Time: 5:00 pm

beaverly: bill?

Current Time: 5:37 pm

beaverly: are you alright?

beaverly: bill

Current Time: 6:24 pm

beaverly has created a group chat

hayyystack: Bev?

kaspbrak: ...

trashmouth: Ello

beaverly: guys, we've got a situation

kaspbrak: So we're having a meeting?

trashmouth: DiNg doNg, the court has been called into session

beaverly: moving on

hayyystack: What is this about?

beaverly: more like who

trashmouth: Oooo, how intriging

kaspbrak: You spelled that wrong.

trashmouth: It was intended, jackass

hayyystack: Bev, who are we talking about?

beaverly: bill

kaspbrak: Wait, what now?

kaspbrak: What happened to him?

kaspbrak: Is he alright?

trashmouth: Blah, blah, blah

hayyystack: Beep, beep, Richie.

beaverly: thank you, ben

trashmouth: Grrrrrrrrr

beaverly: anyway

beaverly: you know how bill always answers within the first five minutes you text him?

trashmouth: Well, duh

beaverly: i texted him multiple times an hour or so ago and still haven't gotten a response back

kasprak: Oh, shit.

trashmouth: He didn't answer me when I tried talking to him this morning either

hayyystack: That doesn't make things any better.

kaspbrak: Obviously.

beaverly: my question is what do we do?

trashmouth: My friends, i might have the solution to our tragic dilemma

hayyystack: And that is?

trashmouth: 1 word

kaspbrak: Rich, come on, we don't have all day.

beaverly: he's right. cut the bullshit

trashmouth: U people are unbelievably pushy. It's just too much for me

hayyystack: Please just tell us.

trashmouth: Stan.

kaspbrak: I must be a fucking idiot to not have thought of that sooner.

beaverly: ditto

trashmouth: Damn straight

hayyystack: heh

trashmouth: What?

hayyystack: Nothing. Nothing at all.

trashmouth: Now Ben, my boy, i may have some serious inquiries to take up with u later

beaverly: do any of you have stanley's number?

hayyystack: Sorry, no.

kaspbrak: Nuh uh.

trashmouth: Zilch, zip, nada

beaverly: then the only person left is Mike

hayyystack: Why wasn't he added in here?

beaverly: because I was trying to avoid him flipping his shit over Bill

beaverly: you know how he is

trashmouth: Way too overprotective

kaspbrak: He just wants to look out for all of us.

beaverly: exactly. and we all know for a fact that bill trusts mike

hayyystack: It makes sense.

kaspbrak: Am I doing the honors?

trashmouth: Ur probably the best person for it, Eddie Spaghetti

kaspbrak: You are never to call me that again, but okay.

kaspbrak has added clementine into the group chat

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