~chapter thirty one~ cool

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Date: 6/31/17

Current Time: 3:11 pm 

Stan's P.O.V 

"What just happened?" I whispered quite sheepishly, our foreheads still lightly resting up against each other. I could feel a noticeable heat running between us and my hands felt almost uncomfortably clammy sitting on his waist, but I know that I couldn't help that. I tend to be bad at controlling over my nerves. If there was a way of fixing that, I probably would have figured it out by now. 

"I-I don't k-know," he whispered back. I noticed that his cheeks had gone an awfully pretty red, complimenting the way the light played on his eyes. They were so blue that I couldn't even comprehend it, so blue I could fall into them. 

Barely even thinking too much about it, I ended up mumbling, "Well, uh, that was my first kiss." Saying that out loud made it seem more real, thoughts buzzing in my head, leaving me all conflicted over the proper way to react. Not that I had to long to contemplate over it because Bill surprised me by gently pressing his lips up to mine again. They were soft compared to my own, which, in comparison, suddenly felt embarrassingly chapped. 

"A-and that was y-your second," he said once he pulled away. The apparent smacking noise it made was almost too much. 

"What about for you?"

"M-my third," he mumbled, which was initially hard to understand on top of his stutter. 

I furrowed my eyebrows in response. "Who was your first?"

"Y-you w-wouldn't know h-h-her." 


He nodded, looking away from me. 

"Oh." My hands fell from his waist, so I could shove them in the pockets of my jeans, hooking my thumbs through the belt loops. 

"But y-yours were b-better by a l-long shot," he quickly added, although it seemed like he didn't mean any offense towards the girl, whoever she was. 

"That's cool," I responded, mentally kicking myself because it sounded absolutely idiotic. I wondered if Bill thought the same thing when he let out an airy laugh. Then again, I didn't really care because his laugh had easily become one of my new favorite sounds. A pout almost crept onto my face when the noise was interrupted by his talking. 

"D-do you w-wanna watch a m-movie?" His eyebrows raised at me in question, which was something I had noticed happening a lot, but I just shrugged my shoulders and nodded my head nonchalantly after a second. I've never minded movies, but I'm also not one of those people willing to sit in front of a screen and waste the hours of my day watching them. Case in point, this was one movie. With Building. He trudged over to the flat-screen perched on the wall across from his bed where there was a black rack full of DVD's that I somehow hadn't even noticed before. There were so many that I found it hard to believe they could all possibly be his. He pulled one out fairly quickly as if there were no need for searching, bringing it over like some sort of offering. I stared at the cover, a group of five teenagers organized in a unique, definitely coordinated, sitting position on the front. 

"The Breakfast Club?" I read the title like I was unsure of what it said. 

His eyes widened at my uncertainty. "D-don't tell me y-you've n-never s-seen it?" 

"I haven't." 

"H-holy shit. W-we're watching i-it and y-you're not convincing m-me o-o-otherwise." Little did he know that I hadn't planned on disagreeing with him in the first place. He opened the case and slipped the disk into his DVD player, which mind you, seemed pretty old. I had plopped down on the floor, not wanting to be rude by laying on his bed. That would be intrusive. But when he lay down, it was almost as if he was leaving a clear spot next to him, ignoring the fact that he very obviously had the entire bed to himself. The movie started with a song that I thought I may have heard my dad listening to once a few summers back and I could've sworn I was singing the words without realizing it.  

I genuinely found the movie quite entertaining, a heck of a lot better than most of the stuff that shows up in theaters nowadays, especially chick flicks. Disgusting. But I only really ended up watching it a little more than half way through before getting a bit...distracted.

Bill had reached his arm over the edge of his bed, his hand searching for my mine and initially grasping at my shoulder. I reached up and intertwined my fingers with his own, sending a  noticeable spark running through my arm and dispersing throughout the rest of my body in a gentle wave. Any contact we made never failed to cause a similar reaction, a flame delicately blooming that never seemed to be distinguished, only further ignited. It was something I had  expected, maybe even hoped for, when I shook hands with the daughters of family friends that my father would introduce me to. They were all pretty, I always thought so, and yet I never really liked any of them, never really caught any significant feelings that resembled the way I cared for Bill. We stayed in that position for a few more minutes, thumbs weakly brushing against soft miles of skin, until I was being pulled closer to the side of the bed by my wrist, not roughly, just as a beckoning. 

"C-come up h-here, will y-you?" 

"Why?" I asked, yet my voice gave away that I knew the answer already, maybe before he even asked. 

"Because I l-like you. I-I'm not l-letting you s-sleep on the floor."

"It's not even that la-"

"Just g-get up here." 

I smiled to myself, crawling up on the bed, so I was originally next to him. But he pulled me on top of him, and my brain couldn't even get a grip on what was happening when our lips were moving against each other again. The spark that had emerged under my skin not too long ago had suddenly evolved into a blazing forest fire. It didn't matter if I had no sense of idea of what I was doing- Everything else faded away when all I could focus on was our legs tangled together and the discretion of the way he tasted. 

We fell asleep at seven o' clock. 

Author's Note- 

Guess who's back?

- Sophia <3

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