~chapter thirty five~ bombardment

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*Trigger Warning: Homophobic Slur*

Date: 7/1/17 

Current Time: 12:30 pm

Stanley Uris could barely even step a foot into his house without a bitter word from his father. Yes, it was understandable considering he may have been gone for quite a bit longer than expected, but the immediate bombardment was, in his mind, circumstantially unnecessary. He had originally hoped that he would at least be given a mere moment to untie his laces and slip off the shoes that he always fretted over staying white, so it wasn't the most ideal situation when that thought went down the drain so quickly. 

"Where have you been all this time?" his father questioned him. His tone was that of which he always took on before they got into an argument, the one that Stan didn't like it because he didn't prefer to participate in discussions of that manner. 

"I just took a trip around the town for a night," he lied sheepishly, then adding, "I wanted to see what it was like there." 

His mother had chimed in from the bottom step of the stairs. He hadn't even noticed her coming down."You couldn't call?"

"I apologize. I was just a bit distracted." 

"And so that serves as an excuse for you not to answer our messages?" His father now asked, roping in the conversation to his corner once again. 

"No, I didn't say that. I just wasn't on my phone." 

"Let me see it."

"See what?"

"Your phone. Now please." 

Stan's eyes widened, a shot of panic coming upon him and spreading through his veins until he could feel his whole body shaking. The last thing he had wanted was for his cursed nerves to give him away. But they always did, didn't they? And his parents would know his secret as soon as they took the slightest glance at all his forbidden conversations. 

"Why? I didn't-"

"I said now, Stanley." 

He gulped while he reached into his front pocket and pulled out the sleek device that had gotten him into this whole mess in the first place, that had allowed him to the meet a mess of a blue-eyed boy who he cared for despite his flaws. 

"Here," he said sheepishly, his voice on the edge of cracking, but nevertheless he handed over his phone and continued to worry over what would become of him. 

After being sent up to his room, it seemed like hours upon hours had passed, rather than the actuality of a short span of ten minutes. He could hear his parents bickering in the living room the whole time, words sharp and deliberate, but incomprehensible through his wooden door. When he was finally called back downstairs, he didn't think he had ever seen the man in front of him any angrier.  Bill's words echoed repeatedly in his head. "So you're technically already dead." Yes, very much so. 

"You have been using an application to talk to a boy you didn't know? And then you thought it wise to go out and meet him?" his father roared.


"We have spoken to you so many times about how dangerous that is."

"I know." 

"And yet you have chosen to disobey us."


"You have plenty of nice girls to talk to. But instead of calling one of them up, you have become some faggot?" 

"No, no, Dad. I would never." 

"Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind if you were grounded from your phone for a while."

"N-no, I wouldn't." 

There was no way in hell Stanley Uris could ever stand up to his father, so that was that. 

Author's Note: 

Sorry I suck at updating, producing decent content, responding to comments, etc. I love you all. 

- Sophia <3

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