~chapter twenty three~ intentionally

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Date: 6/25/17

Current Time: 2:50 pm

bill.den: so, what's the plan?

stantheman: What are you talking about?

bill.den: when are we meeting each other?

stantheman: I don't know. 

stantheman: Who said we are?

bill.den: excusee me?

stantheman: Okay, I'm kidding.

stantheman: But I really don't know when.

bill.den: what about the where? 

stantheman: I have a few places in my mind. 

bill.den: okay

stantheman: I want it to be a surprise. 

bill.den: like you'd send me an address and we'd meet there kind of thing?

stantheman: I guess.

bill.den: and that doesn't sound like a death trap at all

stantheman: I would never hurt you. 

bill.den: intentionally 

stantheman: I would never hurt you intentionally. 

bill.den: i promise i want to believe that

stantheman: Can you please just trust me?

bill.den: i'll think about it

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