~chapter seven~ friends

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Date: 6/12/17

Current Time: 1:35 am 

stantheman: I'm guessing you're drunk right now. 

bill.den: Nahh im shitfacedd

stantheman: Did you seriously do this because of me?

bill.den: of coursw

stantheman: Bill, that's not going to solve anything. 

bill.den: it solves everuthyng 

stantheman: No

stantheman: It doesn't. 

bill.den: we can agrew to disagreee

stantheman: Who is this Richie guy?

bill.den: hes a dick but he knows howw to havea good timd

stantheman: So he's your friend then? 

bill.den: were bestied 

bill.den: but i luv you

stantheman: I love you too

bill.den: you do?

stantheman: I mean, yeah. You're a good friend. 

bill.den: ohgh

stantheman: I never thought that it was possible to have a decent friend from the internet until you came along, so thanks for that.                                   

stantheman: Bill?

bill.den has gone offline. 

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