~chapter sixteen~ bingo

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Date: 6/21/17

Current Time: 3:32 am

bill.den: hey...

beaverly: hi?

beaverly: what's wrong?

bill.den: i have a friend dealing with a situation right now and i don't know how to help him

beaverly: so you've come to me for my famous advice?

bill.den: bingo

beaverly: go ahead then, spill

bill.den: so my friend met someone that he thinks he likes, but the person he thinks he likes is a guy

bill.den: and he doesn't know what to do

beaverly: well that's a tricky one

beaverly: do I know this friend?

bill.den: nope

beaverly: just tell them that they shouldn't try to deny their feelings

bill.den: thanks, i'll be sure to let him know

bill.den: i'm hoping it will help

beaverly: if they're queer, it's okay

bill.den: yeah, i agree

bill.den: i should probably go to bed, but thanks for talking to me past three in the morning

beaverly: anytime, billy boi

bill.den has gone offline

Author's Note:

Hello there, everyone. Yes, I'm back from the dead! I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, but my school blocked Wattpad on my computer and I couldn't access it. I'm using my mom's computer right now and I might be able to start using it frequently, so I'm hoping  I can get on a new updating schedule. Thank you all for your continuous support!

Love and light

- Sophia <3

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