~chapter fourteen~ somehow

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Date: 6/20/17

Current Time: 9:20 pm

Bill's P.O.V

i stare at the picture in front of me; curls framing a carved face, a particular nose, sharp, brown eyes. 

multiple features coming together to create an unfamiliar face belonging to someone, somewhere that i'm somehow starting to fall for.

 it doesn't make any sense to me. 

i mean, i've always known i was different, but i never thought it was like this. 

not to mention, i don't  even really know stan.

 yet here i am, sitting at my desk painting him and praying that my mother won't walk up the stairs for a round of questioning. 

although, that's unlikely because she hasn't given a shit about me since georgie died. 

maybe that's why i keep talking to stan. 

he actually cares.

 he actually worries.

 he's truly alive, rather than numb.

 and he's different than the rest of the losers, both physically and mentally.

 but it's bad to fall for a boy over the internet.

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