~chapter eight~ implied

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Date: 6/12/17

Current Time: 8:10 pm

bill.den: hi

stantheman: Hey...

bill.den: can we just ignore everything that happened

stantheman: I don't know. 

bill.den: i wasn't lying when i said i was shit-faced

stantheman: I can tell. 

bill.den: pleaseee forget what i said

stantheman: That's not really how it works. 

bill.den: people say stupid things when they're drunk

stantheman: People say stupid things when they're sober too. 

bill.den: look, i know i shouldn't have done what i did

bill.den: but i've  got a lot of shit to deal with 

stantheman: That's why I'm here. 

bill.den: you can't expect me to immediately open up to you

stantheman: I don't mean to be pushy. 

bill.den: well you are

stantheman: It's because I care. I thought you would have figured that out by now. 

bill.den: what if i have

stantheman: Then, good. 

stantheman: I'd much rather have one great person to talk to every night than have several pointless conversations with temporary people.

bill.den: how bout that 

bill.den: Stan getting all philosophical over here 

stantheman: And Building's finally warming up to me again

bill.den: i never said that

stantheman: It was implied. 

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