~chapter twenty one~ pretty ugly

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*Trigger Warning*

Date: 6/24/17

Current Time: 3:10 pm 

Bill's P.O.V

a razor's edge is a sharp contrast to a kitchen sink, shiny blade over-top a dull surface. 

in a way, it's almost pretty.

but when you put a razor against skin, it makes everything turn red.

and that

is ugly.

i haven't even thought of doing this for months, since Georgie died. 

since the cop cars lined the scene like dominoes. 

i didn't like that my outsides didn't hurt as bad I did inside.

i blamed everything on myself just like now. 

it's not worth it. 

i bet he didn't mean it.

i bet he didn't mean it, like that.

i'm overreacting.

and if he did mean it, it doesn't even matter.

he's just a boy from the internet. 

a   boy   from   the   internet. 

he doesn't truly know me.

nor do I truly know him. 

it's bullshit.

it doesn't matter.

but it does. 

although, that still doesn't change the fact that that thing belongs in the trash.

pink scars don't belong on my wrists.

i belong happy.

or at least I think so. 

maybe some sad songs will do the job instead. 

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