~chapter twenty nine~ stay

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Date: 6/31/17

Current Time: 1:23 pm 

"Yeah," Stanley mumbled. He realized that he could easily lean in and peck Bill's lips at this point, but, just like as he did when he spoke, he knew he would mean it. "Meaning it" sometimes provides inconvenience. And so, he turned his face away and blushed, though he had done nothing, thoughts he could have reasoned as inappropriate congested in his mind. Bill only stared before turning his face away the other direction as well. 

"H-he thrust his f-fists against the p-p-posts, and still i-insists he sees the g-ghosts." 


"My m-mother has h-had me s-say that as long as I-I c-can remember. I-it's s-supposed to help." 

"Oh." Stan paused. "But I like your stutter." 

"W-why?...I think i-it's t-terrible," Bill mumbled out, yet you could still hear very obvious breaks in his words. 

"I don't know. It just makes you sound more genuine." 

"I g-guess that's o-one thing I a-am; g-genuine." 

They both went quiet again, legs still pressed up neatly against each other's, and Bill let his head fall to rest on Stan's shoulder because it felt better like that. Something about sitting there in that manner made the two of them content, as if they didn't have to return to parents who acted like they didn't exist or were too critical or-

"I think I have to go home now," Stan said. His words stuck out sharply in the air, almost uncomfortably. 

"W-why do you?" 

"Because I have a father who's strict about time." 

"A-and what w-would happen if I-I asked you t-to stay?" Bill proposed. He had not moved his head. 

"I couldn't."

"And w-what if I asked y-you to s-stay at my h-house?"

"I couldn't." 

"T-tell him y-you want to e-explore the t-town for a n-night."

"I couldn't." 

"B-but you c-could." 

"And my parents would kill me." 

"D-do they e-even know you're h-here?" 

"Not with you." 

"S-so you're t-technically a-already dead." 


"W-Will you s-stay then?"

"I can't." 


"I can't." 


"Okay." The word slipped off of Stan's tongue so quietly that it could have been mistaken as a brush of the wind. Part of him could not believe that he would even dare agree to this whole situation, but then again, it wasn't that much of a surprise to himself, considering the circumstances he had fallen under. 

"W-wait what?"


Bill finally lifted his head back up, a smile laced over his face sweetly. He planted a kiss on Stan's cheek without even thinking about it and stood up.

"L-let's go." 

Stan rolled his eyes in an attempt to displace the rosy blush across his cheeks and stood up as well. 

"We carpooling?"

Bill chuckled a bit. "I-I, uh, b-brought my b-bike, S-Silver ." A hint of embarrassment lined his voice. 

"I mean, I could drive. You can just stick your bike in my trunk."


The two boys began walking to Stan's car, Bill wheeling Silver on one side and his hand just barely brushing Stan's on the other. Bill wondered if it was normal to hold hands with your best friend. 

Author's Note

TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND READS, GUYS! You people are amazing and I love you. This chapter's short, but all I'm gonna say is keep enjoying the fluff. 

-Sophia <3


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