~chapter thirty three~ you know what

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Date: 7/1/17

Current Time: 12:43 pm

bill.den: Richie

trashmouth: Yess

bill.den: if i ask you about something confidential, can you promise to keep it to yourself?

trashmouth: How confidential

bill.den: just between you and me

trashmouth: So this is serious shit

bill.den: i don't know

trashmouth: Does it involve stan the man

bill.den: yeah...

trashmouth: Oh my god

trashmouth: Did u actually get sum fucc

bill.den: not exactly

trashmouth: U totally did. I'm proud

bill.den: i haven't even told you i'm gay yet

trashmouth: Are u fucking kidding? Did u really think i didn't know that

bill.den: so Bev was right

trashmouth: U told her first?

bill.den: you just said you already knew i'm gay though

trashmouth: I did

bill.den: then why do you care about being told first?

trashmouth: Because ur my best bud <3

trashmouth: After Eds

bill.den: we are so off topic

trashmouth: Alright, alright. What do you want

bill.den: how do you know if someone enjoyed you know what?

trashmouth: Sorry, big bill, but i don't

bill.den: yes, you do

trashmouth: Hmmmm

trashmouth: U have only informed me that u two didn't fuck 

bill.den: do i really need to say it

trashmouth: Ur so innocent

bill.den: am not

trashmouth: Fine, let's do it this way

trashmouth: Did it involve a hand or a mouth

bill.den: why are you like this?

trashmouth: Well.....

bill.den: ...

bill.den: a hand

trashmouth: There ya go

bill.den: can you please just tell me how to know if he liked it or not?

trashmouth: Have u talked about it 

bill.den: no

trashmouth: U should

bill.den: easy for you to say

trashmouth: Hehe. I'll take that as a compliment

bill.den: you take everything as a compliment

trashmouth: Why is that a problem

bill.den: we're off topic again

trashmouth: Ur fault

bill.den: how else do i know?

trashmouth: Did he make any noise

bill.den: he's gonna kill me

trashmouth: I'll take that as a yes

trashmouth: Which means that ur fine

bill.den: wait, really?

trashmouth: U did a good job

trashmouth: ;)

trashmouth: Hahaha

trashmouth: Did u get that 

bill.den: and that's my cue to leave 

bill.den has gone offline

trashmouth: Son of a bitch

trashmouth: He's missing out

Author's Note:

Well...that was quite something. In other news, I still love you all. Your support keeps me going.

- Sophia <3 

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