5: Gray

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Rain. Sarah had become used to the damp odor of the rain over the eight years she had been living in Maine. She learned to enjoy the drumming sound it made as it hit the roof. Ah, yes, the rain.

When Blake left the kitchen after their conversation, Sarah did the dishes. Then she wiped down the counters, cleaned the bathroom, and started the laundry. These jobs had fallen to her in the past two years, but she didn't mind anymore. Between she and Blake, there wasn't much to be done. Glancing at the clock, she realized she was late and only had 30 minutes to get ready. Rushing through her shower, she threw on a worn pair of jeans, an old band shirt, and converse. She didn't do anything with her hair, it would just get wet in the rain anyway. After quickly swiping mascara on her eyes, she made her way to the kitchen.

Since thier mom died, Sarah and Blake have been living on their own. The biggest problem with that is the fact that Blake is only 17, so it's illegal. More than a few times they had been threatened with ideas of foster care and community homes, but each time Blake came up with a clever excuse. In a few months they wouldn't have to worry, though. Blake was turning 18.

Living conditions weren't the only things being effected by their mothers death. Sarah had become obsessed with being fit and healthy. She didn't have an eating disorder or anything, she was just..obsessed. Planning out meals and workouts distracted her from the reality of the situation.

Sarah quickly made a lunch consisting of salad, an apple, and water. After locking the door, she had to sprint down the street to the bus stop, just barely making the bus. It didn't occur to her until after she got to the school that Blakes car was still in the driveway. She pushed that out of her mind though, looking up to focus on her English teacher lecturing the class.

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