7: Surprises

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 Damp. Soaked. Drenched. Any word that could describe being wet. That's what Sarah was as she miserably walked down the long twisted road that led to Carol's market.

You need this job. You need to do this.

She told herself this repeatedly to keep herself going. When she finally made it, it was a little past 3:00, so she wasn't late. Mrs. Smith gave her her list of tasks she needed to complete before leaving. First on the list was to restock the shelves, so she decided to start with that grueling job.



Is this really happening? 

Blake thought as he sat with Savannah as she silently cried out in pain. With each cry he felt his heart break a little more. He didn't exactly know why he cared so much about this girl getting better. Maybe it was because she reminded him so much of Sarah..but he knew that wasn't the whole reason.

"What are you thinking?" Savannah asked.

"About everything.."

"Well that wasn't vague or anything.."

"I mean I'm thinking about everything that is happening right now, You, this hideout, this day, and the pain you must be feeling. I'm so sorry Savannah."

"That's better. And don't. Don't feel sorry for me."

"I do."


"Because your in pain! And it's not just the obvious physical pain; its the mental pain you must be feeling to cause you to do such a thing."


"Just 'oh'?"

"What do you want me to say?"

Blake thought about how he was going to reply. Then, out of his own surprise, he said:

"You don't have to say anything."

And he leaned over and gently pressed his own lips against hers.

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