16: Adreniline

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When he saw the van flip, something told him Sarah was definatly inside. The scream put him completely over the edge. His chest got tight. His throat made a strange noise, somewhere between screaming and crying. Then he ran. He ran on pure adreniline, his heart racing.

Blake had never experienced dejavou before, and now that he was he didn't like it. He felt as though he had been in this situation before, and he had. Visions of his mother ran through his mind as well, then back to Sarah, and so on. When he finally reached the van, he had no idea what to do. Then he heard panting behind him.

It was Savannah.


"Check the driver and passenger seat. NOW." Savannah directed Blake, for he seemed...blank somehow.

"The driver is dead, but there is no-"

"AHHHRGHAH!" Savannah made an inhuman noise that made Blake cringe. She couldn't breathe, she could slowly feel life being sucked out of her..


It was Savannah's scream that made Sarah concious once again.

Her eyes opened slowly, her breathe slowed to a normal beat. Everything was coming back and with a gasp she turned to Derrick.

He was silent, deadly silent. His perfect lips were closed, yet sightly open. Eyes; closed lightly. He was so very still.

So Sarah screamed.


Blake couldn't believe what had happened before him. But taking one look an Savannahs' weak and crippled body, dripping blood, he attacked her attacker. He punched him until there was nothing left, and then he still kept punching.

That was when he heard the next scream.

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