11: Playing Detective

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When Savannah found out about Blakes little sister, her senses were set on over drive. She bombarded him with questions;

"What time does Savannah get home from school?"

"Uhm.." Blake struggled to remember. "About 1:30."

"And what does she usually do when she gets home?"

"She..goes to work."

"Call her work and ask if she showed up, and when she left." Savannah demanded urgently.

Tears were still streaming down Blakes face as he clumsily punched in the correct numbers to call Carol's Market. After talking briefly and finding out that, yes, Sarah showed up and left at 6:00, Savannah asked even more questions.

"Okay. So we know she showed up for work and left on time. What does she usually do after getting home?"

"err.." Blake scratched his head. "I haven't been home since she started. All I knew is she goes straight to work after..I suppose she does her homework, because that is what she would do if she didn't have a job."

Savannah didn't have t think twice. "Get in the car and drive to your house. Come on."

When they showed up at the house, Savannah and Blake trudged to the door, almost knocking eachother over. Again came the questions, but they were more urgent.

"Where is Sarah's bedroom?" 

Blake led Savannah down the hall. After Savannah spotted the shabby old backpack in the corner, she practically ripped it apart, looking for any unfinished papers. There were none.

"I think it's safe to say she finished. Are there any other obvious things she would have done?"

Blake was thinking hard now, his brow furrowed. "Yes! She cleans and does the laundry."

The house seemed clean enough and the laundry had definatly been done.

"So if she left work at 6, we could say she spent about and hour on her homework. A load of laundry washed, dried, and folded takes another rough hour. While waiting for the laundry she probably ate and cleaned up. So she must have been here until about 8:00? What time did you get home, Blake?"

It was 5:00 a.m. by now, and Blake was struggling to remember. He cleared his throat and, suddenly certain said, "I got home at 8:30. It took a while for me to find my way back from the hideout, considering I didn't remember how I got there. Savannah, oh JESUS Savannah! I missed her by 30 fucking minutes, if not less!" And Blake started to cry again.

It took Savannah about 5 seconds to think about what to do next. She ran to the kitchen and got a cold glass of water and came back. After pouring about half of it on his face and letting him drink the rest, Savannah kissed Blake on the lips, hard.

"Baby, you need to calm down. Thinking about 'what if' won't change 'what is'. We'll find her."

Savannah surprised herself by calling Blake 'Baby'. She had never spoken such words without thinking hard about it, like she had with Adam. Blake was too stressed to notice, but the kiss definatly brought his senses back.

"Okay, okay. but what do we do?"

To be completely honest with herself, Savannah didn't know what to do either. Atleast, until of course, she thought of the obvious.

"Did she see you leave towards the woods on Monday?"

"I don't think s- wait. you don't think.."

"That's exactly what I think." She said frankly.

Almost simultainiously, Savannah and Blake both muttered, "the woods."

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