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Leon in the box


I groaned, trying to ignore the intrusive ringing noise but I couldn't. It was like the further I tried to bury my head in the pillows the louder it got. And that's when I realized that it was because the phone was in the bed aswell.

Without opening my eyes, I felt around the bed for a few moments- my hand running into a hard body several times- before i found the phone.

I didnt think, I just answered it and put it to my ear. " this better be good."

" who the fuck is this?" Came the woman's voice from the other end.

Okay, that settled the small question that had popped into my head of if it was my phone or not.

" hold on." I grunted into the phone. Using my right foot, I kicked twice at the body next to me before it finally began moving.

" what, man?" Asked Leon.

" one of your hoes." I said, holding the phone out for him. He mumbled something that I couldnt quite catch while grabbing his phone.

" yo." I was awake now, and there was no sense in pretending like I wasn't. I threw both the covers and pillows off of my body before sitting up in bed. Leon still had his eyes closed as his jaw clenched from whatever the woman was saying to him. " He probably passed out, Lex. Shit, he probably lost his phone. We had a long night. I'll go get him up."

'A long night' was right because I'm sure he never expected to end up in bed with me.

I shoved Leon until he opened his piercing light brown eyes. ' who is it?' I mouthed, only to be ignored.

" I just said I'll go fucking wake him up. What else do you want me to say?" I could hear the woman scream something that made Leon sigh. " My bad...Ima go get him and we gone get this shit straightened out. Just do what the fuck he said and take yo ass home."

Leon hung up the phone and tossed it back into the bed. " and here I was thinking that today would be peaceful. Goddam man."

" what's wrong?" I asked. Leon had already gotten out of bed and was rifiling through his dresser drawers. " babe-"

" dont call me that!" He barked. " we fucked, this don't mean we back together, Ashley."

I probably deserved that, but that didn't stop his little dig it from hurting. Leon and i had so much between us though, and I wasn't willing to watch it go down the drain just over a little fuck up that I'd made.

" Just tell me what's wrong, Leon. I might be able to help."

" you can help by leaving."

" why you being so rude?" I snapped, standing up from the bed and leaving the crumpled covers behind. " you told me you forgave me last night. You said that on your own! I didn't force you. But now you acting like a fucking dickhead. I dont need this shit!"

He pulled a clean white t shirt from the bottom drawer and pulled it down over his head. He was angrily shoving his arms in the sleeves when he turned to me. " today is not the day for me to have to explain to you why asking me if I forgive you while I'm balls deep is not a good decision."

" really?" I asked. My voice cracked slightly before i cleared my throat and turned away from him. I began to get dressed in my clothes from the previous night. My jeans and t shirt lay crumpled at the foot of the bed. " I'll just leave, then. I have to pick up Raegan from my mom's anyway."

" Reagan..." He mumbled. " how is she?"

" oh you mean the daughter that you hide from your own fucking family? She's fine... Thanks for asking." I said sarcastically.

I couldn't get dressed fast enough. It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion, forcing me to stay just a minute longer than I wanted to.

"you know it's not like that."

" it's not?" I asked, before scoffing and snatching up my purse. " you hid me and now you're hiding her. We're your dirty little secret, right, Leon? We're just accidents that you can't wait to sweep under the fucking rug."

" you know that's not it, man. Dont even try to flip it- and where the fuck you going?" I tried to charge my way toward the door, only to be snatched up by two strong arms. I hated that shit. One minute he was acting like he wanted me to leave and the next he wanted me to stay. It was confusing. But that was the decision I'd made by dating a man with a mood disorder. " I gotta handle some shit, Ashley, but i want you to be here when I get back."

Looking up into Leon's face, my words became trapped in my throat. I remembered why I'd fallen for him. It was his ability to look at me and make me feel like I was the only one that mattered...but i couldnt forget all the times he had looked at me like I didnt mean a damn thing.

" I'll be here." I lied. There was no telling what he was about to go do and I didn't want to wait around. I was done waiting around for him to decide if he wanted to forgive me or not.


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