Chapter Fourteen

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The weekend didn't end quickly, It dragged out, and when i collapsed in bed on Monday morning I was exaughsted.

Business at the club had been even busier than usual which caused me to work not only Friday night, but Saturday and Sunday night as well. From open to close I was at that club.

But i also tried to spend as much time with Raegan and my mother as well.

When i left the club Saturday morning I went home and got all of four hours of sleep before getting cleaned up and rushing to my mom's place. I caught them right as they were leaving out the door and invited myself along on their day of shopping. That was an all day thing, and by the time that was over it was time to go back to work.

Working Saturday night was even worse than Friday's, and because I was already running on only four hours of sleep I found myself being snippy to both customers and staff alike. So needless to say, I was excited when it was closing time Sunday morning.

Again, I went home and fell into bed, only for my phone to ring five and a half hours later. It was my mother, inviting me over to hang with her and Raegan. I wanted to say no so bad but hearing Raegan's voice in the background kept me from saying it.

I wanted to be around my i went.

We all cooked a large breakfast together before eating at the dining room table and talking like a real family. It warmed my heart to be a part of that special moment because I'd never had that with my mother growing up. Having all three of us together felt amazing.

I wanted that everyday.

After eating came the cleaning up portion, and after that Raegan pulled out her homework and for the next hour and a half we helped her with an art project that she had due Monday. It was crazy because I didn't even know that my baby was taking an art class. Last I heard, she was doing theater.

When I asked about her switching from theater to art she said that she had to switch because the boy she liked had joined theater.

'you like a boy ?!' I screamed in shock while she just stared at me. ' I ban you from liking boys, Rae!'

My mother rolled her eyes. ' you can't ban her from liking boys, Ash. Now shut up and help with the picture.'

' I can ban her if I wanna ban her. She's my daughter.' I retorted.

' you can't.'

' I fucking can.' That's how that discussion ended.

While my mom just kept rolling her eyes in my direction, Raegan was staring at me like i had grown a second head. I decided to leave it alone because it wasnt like third graders were fucking. But still, i made a mental note to tell Leon.

We watched a couple of movies, and around dinner time, it was time for me to leave and go home to get ready for work. I dragged myself through the club all night, trying to be efficient, yet failing because I so damn tired.

Getting off Monday morning was a dream come true. I was fully prepared to sleep all day. When I got home I turned off my phone, took a nice long shower, and tucked myself up underneath the cool covers on my bed.

All i could think was 'finally.'

I woke up to the feeling of someone gently shaking my body.

" Carmen, I swear to fucking god... If its not an emergency im going to-"

" open ya eyes."

At Leon's voice, my eyes did in fact snap open. He was standing over me, smiling down. The morning sun was shinning in through my partially opened curtains on the other side of his room.

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