Chapter Seventeen

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I woke up to the sound of women screaming. That jolted me upright. Coming into Leon's hospital room were two women that I recognized immediately, but not because I'd met them, but because their features were so similar to Leon's that it was hard not the notice.

The younger of the two women was stunning, with chocolate skin and a large afro, she looked even more like Leon than the second woman. She was clearly his sister, they had the same eyes and sharp cheek bones-they all did.

The older woman right next to her was almost her spitting image, with the same skin and hair- except her Afro was getting a few strings of grey that were far and few between. Her worry creased her features.

Neither of the women noticed me at first, their eyes trained solely on a tense Leon but in an instant, that changed.

The younger woman noticed me first, right when she reached his bedside. "  and this would be..."

His mother reached the bed too. " girlfriend?"

All of our attentions then turned to Leon who was looking right back at me. I didn't know what to say. This definitely wasn't how I'd ever expected to meet his family but if ten years wasn't long enough then I didn't know what I would do.

I'd probably smack him. No, I definitely would. It made no sense to lie or hide me, not when We has just been caught cozied up. And we were working on us!

Granted, I'd never asked to meet his family. It had been obvious to me from meeting him that he wasn't the kind of guy to go running around shouting love from mountain tops so I let the situation go for far too long. Now here we were. No, this wasn't the perfect time to confess our "undying love" to his family but then again, there never would be.

" honestly I don't..." He cleared his throat. I'd never seen Leon with such wide, confused eyes in our time together. It would have been funny if the situation wasn't so intense. " I don't know what we are."

" mother of your child, girlfriend, love of you life.... any of those will do."

" love of your-" His sister started.

" mother of your what?" His mother screamed, cutting her off.

"Ashley, this is my mother and my sister Alexus." He pointed to each of them. "Ma, Lex... This is the mother of my child, my girlfriend, and... the love of my life." He smiled very briefly when he said the last one. His smile disappeared quickly.

They were stunned into silence. Hell, I was half worried that his sister was going to pounce on him at any moment, though it seemed she was holding her emotions at bay with deep breathing.

His mother, however, was ready to let it loose. " ma'am can you get up and go on somewhere so I can smack the hell out of my son in private, please? Thank you."

She didn't actually wait for an answer from me before going in on Leon. She just started going letting loose- he sat there unflinching or moving at her words- while expecting me to just get up and leave. When I didn't, she stopped mid sentence and turned to me. " this is a private family moment. I know you're pregnant by him- and there'll be plenty of time for introductions later- but right now I need to speak with my son."

" I'm not pregnant." I said slowly after she'd finished. I looked at Leon to see if he was okay with me finishing. He just half shrugged before looking around the room aimlessly.

" but you just said-" his sister cut in.

" I'm not going to be the mother of his child, I already am." I wasn't sure if I was over stepping, but Leon seemed unbothered. And hell, we were this far so I figured I may as well let the cat out of the bag.

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