Chapter Seven

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" how long you think it'll take to beat some information out of em?" I asked Dryan, cocking my head to the side but never taking my eyes away from Donovan.

" Donovan will probably crack first." He chuckled. " I'm betting in about twenty minutes. I say we do him first... or maybe I'm wrong. Wanna bet?"

" how much?" I asked.

"Two thousand. I bet I can get Donovan to talk first."

I started to shake my head. The thought crossed my mind briefly that it was Ashley's club and that she wouldn't like me fucking it up but in the end, i still had to do what I had to do. Either she would understand or she wouldn't.

" four thousand." I said finally after mulling it open. " i bet you four thousand that I can get that dumb fuck-" I pointed at Richard, who's smug look disappeared almost instantaneously. " to talk first."

" deal."

Tyrone wanted us to be civil, but in the end I walked away, knuckles bruised and bloody and four thousand dollars lighter. Donovan talked first. I was across the room, kicking into Richard's gut with my size twelve sneaker when I heard Donovan scream out behind me.

"okay! Okay!" He screamed it, a nasty gurgling sound in the back of his throat as he tried to talk around blood that was rushing forth but it was nothing that i hadn't heard before.

" don't move." I said sarcastically, smirking down at Richard's squirming form. I left him and went over to where Dryan now had Donovan hemed up against that wall.

He wasnt so sure of himself anymore, that was clear by his bloody, grimacing face.

" yes?" I asked.

" it wasn't supposed to- I don't know."

" you don't know what, Donovan? Speak up." Dryan said.

" I dont know. It was the money."

" what money?"

" I can't say."

Dryan shook him slightly, making his head jerk forward before slamming back against the wall. " what money?"

" I can't say!" He cried out. Tears began streaming down his face but still i could tell that the gravity of the situation hadn't fully hit him yet, because if it had then he would have already said what needed to be said.

" okay," I clapped my hands. " Ima give you a couple minutes and let you think it over so you can decide what decision you wanna make. Either you make the right decision and most of us go home, unharmed, you know... I feel like being a generous guy today-" I leaned close to him so that our faces were mere inches apart. " and let you keep your fucking life... or-"

" or-" Dryan picked up. " only two of us walks outta this room, Don. And believe you and me, one way or another Tyrone is walking free. So make the right decision...for your daughter."

Donovan looked like he had already mulled over that option because he was unphased with the idea of losing his daughter to our hands.

" and that baby on the way too..."I smirked, even though the thought alone made me feel sick to my stomach. But i had no choice, and believe me, the threat wasnt empty. " it would be a shame if something happened- if ya baby moms was to say... fall down a flight of steps. Women are just clumsy, right?"

He started to stutter. " Loo-look I-I-I didn't o-order-"

" get it the fuck out, im losing patience."

" i-I didnt-" Donovan stopped talking to take a deep breath before starting again. " I didn't order this shit, man."

" clearly, mothafucka. Who did? Where's the money coming from?"

" Aw, shit man, I don't know."

" you don't know or you dont want to say?" Dryan asked.

" l-listen... it's above my pay grade. I don't know whose financing it but somebody is pumping down a lot of money to have him locked up."

" just him?"

It was really starting to irritate me that he was still holding information in. " I think he needs some more motivation to talk." I told Dryan.

" n-no... Look, i got a list of names and a check for ten thousand dollars! It was delivered to my office last week. I didn't ask any questions. That's all I know! Im supposed to pin charges on everybody on the list."

" who's on the list?"

" Tyrone, Leon, O-Omar, Roderick... um- that's it! Just those four."

" not me?" Dryan asked.

" no, it had specific instructions not to touch you."

I grunted. That was strange, and it would have made me look at Dryan sideways if i didnt already know that he ain't have anything to do with no funny shit. Especially not if it involved locking up his family. " so you sold us out for ten thousand dollars? That's what your life and the life of everybody you love is worth? Ten thousand dollars."

He didnt respond and this time I didn't give a fuck. Dryan placed him back on his feet and ordered him to make the call to have Tyrone released. Donovan tried to spin some bullshit story about it being too late at night but I knew that that was a lie. A couple more punches and he got the message.

He made three short phone calls, after which, he announced that Tyrone would be released first thing in the morning.

" that's good to hear." Dryan said, shaking his head. " now, go."

" go?" Donovan asked in disbelief. He was a little bit too excited, especially for someone that wouldn't be alive in about another twenty minutes. Tyrone wanted us to handle things in a way that wouldn't damage future business, but the way Dryan and I saw it, the shit was already damaged.

There was no way that Donovan and Richard would just get away scot free, not tonight.

" that's what the fuck I said, ain't it? Pick ya homeboy up and take his ass with you. Oh, and drop them phones before you step out the door."

We watched as they both scurried together, bruised and battered and made a break for the door. Both of their phones crashed to the floor just as ordered. They left the door open behind them as they disappeared down the hall.

" call Omar," Dryan instructed. " make sure he ready."

" not outside Ashley club, man."

" aight, then around the corner. I really don't give a fuck, as long as it gets done!" He snapped.

I shook my head, understanding his frustration which is why I let his tone of voice ride. Anyway, with Tyrone locked up- even for this short period of time- it was an unspeakable law that Dryan was next in line. So i followed directions and once the call was made, Dryan picked up the two phones next to the door and we split directions.

We both took the staircase together, but while Dryan pushed through the crowded club toward the front door, I shoved two people out of my way and jumped over the bar.

The music was almost deafening, but that was the point i guess. And with bodies moving and money being thrown every way I looked, i was glad that i was on my way out. The club scene had never really been my thing.

The back door sat right in the corner, between the end of the bar and where the wall long shelves for the liquor sat. I pushed it open and instantly the cool night breeze wrapped around me.

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