Chapter Five

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" I love you too." It was the first thing I said when my eyes opened. Only there was nobody in my bedroom to hear to hear me.

I sat up, glancing around the dark room slowly before yawning and falling backward onto my pillows. My entire room was freezing, so i pulled my comforter up around my neck.

On cue, my bedroom door slowly creaked open and Raegan popped her head inside. " you awake, mommy? Mommy? Mommy!"

" i thought you were with grandma, sweetheart."

" I was but daddy picked me up because grandma is sick." She threw the door open, padding her way over to my bed so that she could climb up, stand on the edge, and peer down into my face. " are you sick too?"

I groaned, my head throbbing softly. " i think so. Something must be going around. Where's your daddy?"

" making dinner."

" oh really? What's he making?"

She shrugged before falling down and burrowing under the covers with me. " I'm gonna lay with you until you feel better."

" thank you, baby."

We both took a brief nap before Leon came in, waking us up.

" dinner is ready." He said as he pulled Raegan out of bed and placed her on her feet. " get up."

" I'm not eating. I'm just about to lay here, Leon. I just feel so tired."

" the only way you gone get better is if you eat, mama. Come on. " He pulled my covers back and grabbed my hands. I swung my legs over the ege of the bed and it took a joint effort to get me up on my feet. " you lucky I'm a nice guy."

" no, you just being nice right now for some odd reason... You're really a dickhead."

" nah, I'm always nice." I just rolled my eyes at that statement, leaning on him as he helped me down the hall and towards the kitchen. Raegan skipped ahead of us.

I didn't want to bring up anything that would cause us to argue so I didn't say anything. He had generally been a nice guy- with me anyway... up until I "cheated". And besides  i had heard some of the stories about him in the streets, the same ones as everyone else. The ones where he wasn't such a nice guy. But those didn't concern me.

In the kitchen Leon helped me into my chair at the round dinning table and Raegan sat in the seat on the left side of me. Leon made both a plate and glass of water for each of us before sitting in the chair to my right.

Despite the fact that i felt like i couldn't eat, my stomach growled in anticipation at the plate in front of me. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

" you miss my cooking?"

" nope." I lied.

We said Grace before digging in. While eating, I couldn't help but wonder why Leon was being so nice again. It hadn't been so peaceful since before my little indiscretion and although I was loving it, it did make me slightly nervous.

" Why are you being so nice?" I asked after dinner was finished and we were cleaning up. Leon was washing dishes while Raegan stood next to him on her stool drying them and setting them aside.

I was sweeping.

" because daddy loves us." Raegan chriped, eagerly like she had all the answers.

" did I ask you, Rae?"

" no, ma'am."

" right." I went over to her so that i could kiss her cheek before going back to my task. " so, Leon?"

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