Chapter Thirty

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Short chapter, don't kill me


As our time at Alexus' home continued on, the previous tensions mostly faded. Tyrone had called Alexus the second day we were there and although he didn't explain exactly what was going on, he made sure to let us know to get comfortable. So we did.

The only people it seemed that were purposefully excluding themselves were Amy and my mother. Even Whitney- who I was told had deeply rooted issues with Symonee- was making an effort to burry whatever problems it was that they had.

Every single adult had gotten into an argument with mother- including Alexus, who I was told was a fairly hard person to get riled up, but excluding Amy. Amy- who hadn't said much of anything since I'd punched her- was peacefully nursing her bruised face. I kept having to come to my mother's rescue, when I didn't want to, and continually try and smooth things over with her and everybody else.

It was exhausting- I was exhausted and sick. My stress and  anxiety levels were so high that it was making me physically sick. I spent every night crying and either sitting on the floor in front of the toilet throwing up, or sitting on it. Both of those things became excruciating after night two.

I couldn't do much of anything until I knew that Leon was okay.

When the men finally showed up, it was day seven, close to midnight. I was the only one awake. After being sick in the bathroom I went down to the kitchen to get a glass of water, hoping to settle my stomach.

I was sipping from the tall glass when I heard the front door open. At first it worried me. From afar, I couldn't hear what was being said, only a voice. But then I recognized the voice as Tyrone's and discarded my glass in the sink to run as quickly as I could to find Leon.

There was only Roderick and Tyrone and one other person but still I didn't see my man initially, my eyes scanning the faces so quickly I didn't notice him. His face stood out to my from behind the two and without a second thought, I shoved Tyrone and Roderick out of my way so that I could throw myself against Leon.

My eyes filled with tears at just the feel of him against my body. I hadn't allowed myself to dwell on if he would actually come back to me or not but deep down I had been terrified that he wouldn't,  but here he was!

" oh my god." I cried into his chest, my arms tightening around his body. " you're okay."

No response.

I pulled my head back so that I could look up into his face- his blank, stoic face. " you're okay, right?" His eyes didn't move from where they were staring over my head. " Lee."

His eyes finally came down to look at me but he didn't say anything.

"Babe, are you okay?"

The nodding of his head was subtle, no more than a half an inch up and a half an inch back down. And then he started to stare blankly again.

I didn't know what to do. Whatever it was that was bothering him he obviously wouldn't tell me- or couldn't tell me. And he obviously wasn't well either. Physically he looked fine but on his face, and in his eyes, there was something much deeper.

A quick look around confirmed that Tyrone and Roderick had disappeared, probably going in search of their significant others.

" is it Dryan? Is he okay?" Nothing. " is he- did he die?" He shook his head no. " is it Omar?" No.

I felt desperate but I didn't know what else to ask, and honestly, regardless of what had happened-or didn't- I was just thankful that my man had returned to me, unharmed. Nobody else was my concern but him.

I pulled him into the living room and left him on the couch while I went to make a glass of water. Leon had a sip when I held it up to his lips but turned his head after that.

" please talk to me." I begged, again trying to pull his head around so that he was facing me but he didn't budge. " I love you ."

Still, no response.

After trying to coax him out of whatever he had fallen into for the better part of an hour, I decided to let it be for a while. When he was ready to tell me, he would, but until then I would just make sure to keep a close eye on him because the look that he had was truly worrying me.

I curled my body around Leon's and fell asleep.

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