Chapter Eleven

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Friday morning came faster than I wanted it to, especially when somehow during the night I had ended up with one leg across Leom's body and with his arms wrapped around me. It felt amazing waking up and being pressed against him again but i found myself hoping that things didn't take a turn for the worse when he woke up.

There was a knock at my bedroom door before my mother's voice floated inside. " Ashley? You awake in there?"

I took a deep breath and turned my head to peep up at Leon's face to find that he was already awake and staring right at me. My eyes widened in surprise. " how long you been up?"

"Honestly?" He asked.

" Yeah." I repositioned myself so that i was still in his arms but now I was propped up. With tgw elbow of my left arm pressed into the bed I rested my chin in the palm of my hand so that i could get a better look at him.

" I slept for maybe thirty minutes...couldn't sleep after that."

" you been awake all night?" He shrugged in response. " what's wrong?" I asked after studying his face for a short while.

He opened his mouth to respond when my mother started to bang at my door. " wake yo ass up girl! I was going to take Raegan to school but there's a damn car blocking the driveway so i can't pull out. Your car is on the street so i need your keys."

I rolled my eyes. " mama, you can't drive my car." I screamed out.

" and why not? I been driving since before you were born, child. I know what I'm doing being a wheel."

" no, I'm not letting you wreck my car like you did your last one."

Which was true. A year ago,on a road all by herself at eleven at night she managed to hit two parked cars and a mailbox- on her way home from my house after spending the evening with Raegan- but she swore she wasn't asleep. Yeah, right.

" the only thing I'm going to wreck is the paint on this car that's blocking me in. I'm about to bust the windows out of that car. So, if you don't want me to go out there with my bat, then I suggest you let me take your car."

Leon grumbled. " I'm pretty sure that's my car that she talking about fucking up."

" why the fuck would you park in front of the driveway?" I whispered.

" I wasn't thinking I would be spending the night, that's why." He responded as we Seperated and got up. " and i wasn't thinking straight."

My body froze as I looked up at him. " does that mean that you- I mean, when we- so do you still want to- can you-"

" I want to talk and work everything out, Ashley... I don't know how yet but I want to."

" good." I smiled. " so, you sneak out while I distract my mother, Okay?"

" yo, I'm too old to be sneak-"

Again my mother banged at the door. " Ashley, I'm serious. Girl, come on. Raegan is downstairs eating her breakfast and she'll be done any minute."

" I'm coming. Can you pack her lunch too, please?" I said to her, waiting to hear her acknowledgment before focusing back on Leon. " if my mom realizes that that's your car outside, she won't just be threatening to bust your windows, she'll actually do it. And if she bust ya damn windows because you didn't want to sneak out then that's on you. I'm not paying for a damn thing."

" she ain't gone bust nothing."

" Mmhmm, the same way you thought she wasn't gone bust you right in your face, right?"

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