Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Gone for a minute now I'm back.


Everybody was in the VIP room more or less mingling. There were two waitress walking around collecting empty glasses and taking drink orders from people as everybody talked loudly in what was almost one large conversation between the twenty or thirty people in the room. And there was another waitress circulating the room taking food orders.

The club itself didn't have a kitchen- it was something I had been thinking about adding to increase profits but it had continuously slipped my mind- but Alexus had paid for catering of different finger foods. Because the VIP itself wasn't large enough to hold thirty people and two tables of food, it was set up in my office

The baseline of the music playing downstairs was vibrating the floor, soothing my aching feet as I leaned most of my weight back against Leon. My heels were close to seven inches high and meant to be cute, not feel good. But they put me and Leon neck and neck which was the point.

" you can take em off." Leon said to me. Taking a break from the conversation he was having with Roderick and wrapping his right arm around my mid section to support even more of my weight. My face scrunched up, although he couldn't see. From behind me, he got the point. " you ain't gotta be boujie here."

" don't call me boujie! I'm not." I whispered over my shoulder.

Roderick made a noise, drawing my attention to him, to which he just shook his head before disappearing across the room. He clearly hadn't warmed to my presence. Alexus walked up quickly, taking Roderick's place.

" what's wrong?" I asked, immediately picking up on her anxiousness.

" nothing." She said slowly.

" nigga you being mad weird. Stop being weird." Leon announced, bluntly. He was right though. She wouldn't stop fidgeting nervously with her dress.

Alexus waved her brother off. " can I steal Ashley for a minute?" He didn't get a chance to respond before she had dragged me from his hold and out into the hallway. The music was a lot louder outside the room but not overwhelmingly so. I could still hear Alexus when she announced " I think I'm gonna throw up."

" are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked.

She laid her hands against her flat stomach. " I'm nervous! Can you announce my pregnancy for me? I'll pay you."

I chuckled. " you don't strike me as a nervous person."

" that's the thing, im not! If I wanna say something, I say it, but this... I don't know. How do I even say it?"

" just march in there, stand on the table- well don't stand on my fucking table cause I don't feel like buying a new one- and just say 'I'm pregnant'." I grabbed her hands from their place against her stomach. " it's okay, Alexus."

She took a deep breath. " I need a drink. Wait, I can't drink, Leon would kill me, even if I wasn't pregnant." She took another deep breath. " I can't do this."

I shook my head in encouragement. " yes you can."

" yeah?"

" yeah."

She pulled her hands away from mine and went back into the room. She went right over to the table, the one that I told her not to stand on, and screamed "I'm pregnant." Just like that.

Even I, was shocked into silence. Nobody moved for a good twenty second, not until she stepped off of the table and was swooped up into a hug by Tyrone. He lifted her easily, spinning her around in circles, earning himself a scream of delight from her.

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