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"Can I call Finn?" Beth requested when they got back to New Haven.

Quinn nodded and dialed Finn's number before handing Beth the phone.

Beth took the phone and disappeared.

She returned a few minutes later and handed Quinn the phone. "He wants to talk to you."

Quinn took the phone and watched Beth leave the room. She put the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"You and Puck broke up?!" Finn exclaimed.

"Finn!" Quinn heard Rachel scold in the background.

"It's... complicated." Quinn said softly. She heard the phone shuffle.

"Quinn, it's Rachel. Excuse my rude husband." Rachel said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just that I'll be in New York and he'll be all over the place and... you know how that'll go with him." Quinn stated.

"I'm sorry." Rachel apologized. "If you need anything, let us know. How's Beth taking it?"

Quinn sighed. "She hates me. That's why she asked to move in with you guys."

"She'll be fine." Rachel promised. "Finn and I will be at your graduation next weekend."

Quinn smiled slightly. "I appreciate it. I don't know what I'd do without you both."

"We love you!" Finn exclaimed in the background.

"I love you, too." Quinn said as her phone beeped. "I gotta go, Santana's calling."



"I just talked to Puck. What the hell happened?" Santana asked.

"What did he tell you?" Quinn wondered.

"He said you two broke up." Santana replied. "Why?"

"Alright." Quinn sighed. "You can't tell anyone, but it was a fake break up. His management team doesn't like me, so we faked it."

"Are you stupid?" Santana asked. "They're gonna try to set him up with other girls for publicity."

"He said he'd stay away." Quinn informed Santana. "You can't tell anyone. It'll be fine."

"I won't tell anyone." Santana promised. "Anyways, I'm gonna come to New Haven on Wednesday night, if that's okay."

"Sure." Quinn said. "But my graduation isn't until Sunday."

"I know, but I miss you guys." Santana admitted. "Plus, Brittany just left for a dance retreat thing with Mike and I hate being home alone."

"Santana, you can come to New Haven whenever you want." Quinn told her. "Beth and I would love to have you here."

"Thanks. I'm working on Monday and Tuesday, so I figured Wednesday night would be best." Santana stated.

"Sounds good to me." Quinn said. "Beth needs dinner, so I gotta go, but I'll talk to you soon."

"Bye, Quinn. Love you."

"Love you, too, Santana."

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