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In the morning, Quinn woke up late. She jumped out of bed and ran out of her room. She paused when she saw Puck sitting on the couch.

"Morning." Puck said. "I took Beth to school. That's why your alarm didn't go off."

"Oh. Thank you." Quinn smiled gratefully. "And good morning. I'm gonna go shower, but then can we talk?"

"Sure." Puck nodded. "Take your time."

Quinn pecked Puck's lips before walking to the bathroom. She closed the door and locked it before grabbing her phone. She realized that she forgot to text her friends about Beth's birthday.

Good morning! I just wanted to let you know that on Wednesday night, we're planning on celebrating Beth's birthday with dinner & she wanted me to invite you. Let me know. Q.

Quinn sent the message to Santana, Brittany, Finn, Rachel, and Kurt. She put her phone down and got in the shower.

When Quinn was done showering, she dried off and got dressed. She put on a light blue knee-length dress. When she was done blow-drying her hair, Quinn grabbed her phone.

Britt & I will be there :) what does B want for her bday?

You don't have to get her anything

Well we're gonna so help us out

Any stuffed animal or new toy, clothes, whatever you want really

Thanks Quinn

No problem Santana

Quinn saw that she also had a text from Finn. When she texted everyone, she did it in pairs, so she made a group text with Santana and Brittany, a group text with Finn and Rachel, and she sent a separate text to Kurt.

Rach & I wouldn't miss it for the world

And we got Beth the BEST present!!

Thank you both :) see you on Wednesday

Quinn pocketed her phone and left the bathroom.

"Hey, beautiful." Puck smiled.

"Hi." Quinn smiled back as she nervously sat down on the couch. "So... what did you wanna talk about?"

Quinn's phone started vibrating and interrupted them.

"Sorry." Quinn apologized as she glanced at her phone. "It's Kurt. I'll just text him back really quick and then I'll turn my phone off."

I'll be there! Finn told me he's going with Rachel. I'm assuming Santana & Britt are going, too. Is it okay if I bring Dave?

Sure! I'll give you the rest of the information later

Great! Thanks Quinn

No problem Kurt :)

Quinn turned off her phone and put it on the table. She put her hands on Puck's arm. "Okay, you have my undivided attention now. What's up?"

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