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"I just don't understand why you wouldn't think to tell me about something that big." Puck stated as he paced around the bedroom.

"Because I'm not doing it!" Quinn exclaimed. "So it doesn't matter."

"But why?" Puck wondered. "This could be huge for you."

Quinn sighed.

"Talk to me." Puck requested as he sat down beside Quinn on the bed and took her hands.

Quinn took a deep breath. "I'm afraid to fail."


"Everyone expects something from me." Quinn pointed out. "I graduated from Yale, I was Valedictorian. I don't wanna let anyone down."

"You're not gonna fail, but even if you did, who would you let down?" Puck asked.

"Beth." Quinn responded. "And you. Everything I do is for you and her. And I-"

"Quinn." Puck cut her off. "You could never let me down. You're the strongest, most amazing woman I've ever met, and I'm so proud of you. Things haven't been easy for you and life hasn't been so good to you, but you've always pushed through it."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"Beth is proud of you, too." Puck insisted. "I know she's young, but she understands that you're really smart and you work hard. We're lucky."

"You think so?" Quinn asked.

"I know so." Puck told her with a smile. "I want you to audition for Wicked, if you still want to and if you still can."

"I don't know." Quinn shrugged. "We'll figure that out later. I wanna hear more about your show. What songs are you singing?"

"You'll have to come to the show and find out." Puck said, shaking his head. "Groupies."

Quinn laughed lightly. "You can't tell your girlfriend?"

Puck shook his head. "I don't want to."

"Let me guess then." Quinn said. "Beth, Just Give Me A Reason, Waiting For A Girl Like You."

"I'm singing Beth, but I'm not singing the other two." Puck answered. "I don't have my duet partner."

Quinn smiled. "Does Finn know what you're singing? Because I can just ask him. Or Santana?"

Puck shook his head. "I didn't tell them either. I'm gonna change the subject because I'm not budging here. Did you like the scrapbook?"

"I loved it." Quinn nodded as she kissed Puck. "And I love you. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Puck said. "I love you, too."

"We should get to bed. Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day." Quinn stated.

"Yeah." Puck agreed. "Sweet dreams, babe."


The pair curled up together and drifted to sleep.


"What time is it?" Quinn groaned.

"I don't know how to tell time yet." Beth responded. "I had a bad dream. Can I stay here?"

Quinn nodded. "Come here. Just don't wake Daddy up."

"Daddy's up." Puck replied. "Come here, Monkeyface. You're safe now."

Beth curled up between Puck and Quinn. "Goodnight, Mommy. Goodnight, Daddy."

"Love you, B." Quinn replied as she put her arms around Beth.

"Love you."

The trio curled up together in Quinn's bed and went back to sleep.

"Babe, time to get up." Puck said softly as he kissed Quinn's cheek in the morning.

Quinn opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Finn picked Beth up. We can go to breakfast whenever you're ready." Puck stated.

"I'm gonna shower first." Quinn said with a small smile. "If you wanna join me."

Puck smirked and nodded. "I would never say no to that."

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