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"And now, Valedictorian Quinn Fabray will give a speech on behalf of her class."

Quinn walked on stage and stood in front of the microphone. She took a deep breath as she scanned the crowd for her friends, Judy, and Beth. Santana and Brittany were missing.

"First, I wanted to thank everyone for coming to celebrate this special day with us. I'm really proud to be standing here today." Quinn began. "Life throws many obstacles at each and every person. And I think I speak for everyone here when I say that it wasn't easy making it to this day."

Quinn paused as she saw Finn get up and walk out.

"When I was in tenth grade, I found out that I was pregnant. I was a stereotypical mean blonde cheerleader and getting pregnant meant that my life was over."

Quinn looked out into the audience and saw Finn returning with Santana, Brittany, and Puck. Brittany waved excitedly.

"But my life wasn't over. I managed to maintain good grades while raising my daughter. She's the reason that I was able to make it to Yale and the reason I worked hard every single day." Quinn said as she looked at her friends. "I also wouldn't be standing here today if I didn't have my friends and family supporting me through everything. Without you, I would've never even made it out of Lima. I love you guys. Congratulations to the Class of 2016 and here's to even brighter futures."

Quinn took her seat again as the Salutatorian went up to make his speech. His speech was something about how he constantly pulled all-nighters and skipped parties so he could study. Quinn didn't even pretend to listen. She just wanted to turn around and go back to Beth and the others.

"When your name is called, please come up to receive your diploma."

The first row stood up.

"Quinn Fabray."

Quinn got up and walked across the stage. She could see and hear her friends clearly. Santana and Rachel were screaming, Finn and Brittany were cheering, Judy was grinning proudly and clapping with Beth, and Puck was standing and whistling with his fingers in his mouth.

Quinn grabbed her diploma and took her seat. She couldn't stop smiling, even when Martin Goldman sat back down beside her.

"It was inappropriate to talk about your daughter in your speech." Martin said as he pushed his glasses up. "You don't have to glorify teen pregnancy."

Quinn smiled. She wasn't gonna let anyone ruin her big day.

"Why are you smiling?" Martin asked.

"I just hope no idiot ever decides to sleep with you." Quinn smirked.

"Very funny." Martin muttered.

Quinn looked at him. "No, I hope you find someone. But if you do, do me a favor."

Martin folded his arms. "What?"

"Don't ever reproduce." Quinn grinned.

Martin leaned back in his chair and pouted.

"You may now move your tassels from right to left. Congratulations Class of 2016!"

Quinn moved her tassel from the right side of her cap to the left side as she stood up. She grinned as her classmates threw their caps in the air.

Quinn was one of the last ones to file out of the auditorium. She said goodbye to her Yale friends, promising to keep in touch as much as possible.

Quinn headed outside where her friends were waiting.

"Valedictorian, huh?" Finn smiled as he hugged Quinn. "I'm not surprised."

Quinn smiled back. "Yeah. Thank you guys for coming. It really meant a lot to have you there."

"I want pictures!" Judy exclaimed.

When Judy was done taking pictures of Quinn with each individual, she did group shots and then she took the same photos of Quinn and her friends without the cap and gown.

"Mom, I think that's enough pictures." Quinn laughed as she picked Beth up.

Rachel took the cap and gown from Quinn. "Why don't we all go out to celebrate?"

"My treat." Puck added.

"Yes!" Santana exclaimed. "Let's go."

"We'll meet you guys at the restaurant." Quinn said. "I wanna drop my cap and gown off at my apartment first."

"Finn, Rachel, why don't you come with me and Britt?" Santana suggested. "Puck'll go with Quinn, Beth, and Judy."

"Sure." Finn said.

"I wanna go with Finn." Beth whined.

"You can sit next to him at the restaurant." Santana promised. "Go with Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma, okay?"

"Okay." Beth frowned.

"Let's go." Quinn said as she took her cap and gown from Rachel. "See you in a bit."

Rachel nodded, and they all walked away.

When they got to the restaurant, Quinn began walking in with Beth, Judy, and Puck.

"Crap." Quinn muttered. "I think I dropped my earring in the car."

"It's okay, honey." Judy said. "Just take the other one out."

"No, I wanna find it." Quinn replied. "Mom, can you take Beth inside? Noah, will you help me find it?"

"Sure." Puck nodded.

Judy took her granddaughter's hand and went inside as Quinn and Puck got in the car.

"You didn't really lose an earring, did you?" Puck asked.

Quinn shook her head. "I wanted to thank you for coming today. I was kind of surprised to see you."

"I'm really proud of you, Quinn." Puck stated. "Valedictorian of the Class of 2016 at Yale University."

"Thank you." Quinn replied.

They both went silent for a moment. They had too much to say and they didn't know where to start.

"I wanna be with you." Puck told her, breaking the silence. "If I have to give up my career for you, I'll do it."

Quinn bit her lip.

"I know we have a lot to work through, but I'm willing to do that." Puck clarified. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Quinn smiled slightly. "We can talk more after dinner. I don't wanna keep everyone waiting."

Puck nodded and got out of the car. He walked around to Quinn's door and took her hand. He helped her out of the car and closed the car door before going inside with her.

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