will byers ◊ everywhere

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will finally talking to you about his episodes


he woke up gasping for air.

this was normal for will; every morning you would wake up to the sound of his gasping breaths, it almost came as an alarm to you now. you had stayed with will nearly every night since his halloween episode, watching him every second ever since he was in the field. "will, what is it?" you asked, and he motioned for you to climb into his bed. you happily obliged and turned on the light so you could see each other. his face was flushed and he looked as if he could burst into tears at any moment, which wouldn't be unusual in this moment.

"(y/n)... i want to talk about it."

you had stopped asking if he wanted to talk, the answer was always no. your wide eyes showed the surprise on your face, but you nodded as an indication for him to continue, eager to hear him talk about this.

"what was it? was it the shadow monster again?"

"i-i don't know... it's not a thing it's... it's almost like a-a feeling."

"like the one you had at the arcade?"

"...y-yes..." he looked up at you with tears welling in his eyes. "i-i tried to make it go away... but it came for me... but it got me, (y/n)."

"what does that mean?" you grab his hands gently, lacing your fingers with his and giving him a sympathetic look. what else could you offer?

"i felt it... everywhere." he pauses for a second to look into your eyes, a tear slipping down his cheek. "everywhere. and i-i-i still feel it..." his voice began breaking and breaking until it couldn't break anymore and he was full on sobbing in front of you. "i just want this to be over..." 

he cried and you pulled him against your chest, bringing him in for a hug while he cried on your shoulder. he clutched onto you like you were the only thing he had left, crying desperately as you cried silently into his hair. 

"i won't let anything bad happen to you." you whispered. "we're going to fix this, like we always do, alright? i promise."

after the crying died down, you both lied intertwined in the bed. your arm was around his shoulder while he leaned his head on your shoulder, breathing steadily, making you smile.

"hey (y/n)...?"

"yeah, will?"


"anytime, byers."

he giggled at the use of his nickname, something only you called him.

"hey (y/n)...?"

"yeah, will?"

"i love you..."



"hey will...?"

"yeah, (y/n)?"

"i love you too."


fluffy ending, sort of shit but y'know whas good

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