dustin henderson ◊ roses

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dustin asking his father advice on how to apologize after a fight


dustin exhaled a deep breath as he sat in steve's car, running a nervous hand through his hair. "hey, you're going to be fine, okay?" steve said, placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling. "just do what we rehearsed alright buddy?"

"do you think she'll forgive me?"

"you don't care! remember, you don't care."

"but i do, that's the thing. i don't want to lose her twice."

"hey," dustin looked at steve, "you won't lose her, she's going to love this." he nodded, getting out of the car, dustin following behind; steve reached in the back seat and grabbed the roses he bought for this purpose. "here, take these and make sure you give them to her."

"okay, she likes roses." he nodded and took the flowers, quickly walking to the front door of your house; he honestly just wanted to get it over with, he needed to see your reaction. he couldn't lose you, so he had to make it perfect.

taking a final deep breath, he knocked on the door and stood a few inches back; he heard the familiar sound of a sprinting down the stairs, chuckling to himself as it was music to his ears. he saw the door open, your smile quickly faded as you saw dustin. you were honestly still mad at him, so you leaned against the door frame with your arms crossed across your chest. "what?" you asked, making dustin cringe at your harsh tone.

"i just came to say i'm sorry?" he questioned, everything steve and him rehearsed going out the window. he awkwardly handed the roses over to you, you reluctantly took them and placed them on the table next to you. "i never meant for anyone to get hurt, especially you, because you know how much i love you." he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly; you peered around dustin and saw steve standing against his car. you gave him a quick wave and he waved back before turning back your attention to dustin. "i should've never have kept dart... he hurt you. and he hurt everyone, and i'm sorry for putting you in that position. i know me saying sorry isn't going to fix what happened in the past... i'm just sorry." he paused, looking down at the ground. "i know you don't want me on your doorstep anymore, thank you for not slamming the door on me." he began to walk off your doorstep, and you rolled your eyes, finding yourself smiling.

"get back here, you." you said teasingly, stepping out of your house to get closer to him. he immediately turned around, a hopeful glint in his eye. "it's okay, i forgive you. what's in the past is in the past." you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him close to your chest, breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne.

"thank you, oh god thank you." you giggled at how grateful he was; he hugged you close and couldn't stop smiling. 

steve knew his job was done, smiling and getting in his car, starting it to drive away. "thanks steve!!" dustin called out, smiling as you invited him back inside.

"thanks for the roses, by the way."



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