dustin henderson ◊ rule of law

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when you finally get to join the party


you were honestly starting to get frustrated with the 'party' as they wouldn't tell you anything; you feel like you don't exist in their lives at all. you expressed this several times to the party, most of them seemed concerned for your feelings; mike didn't seem to give a shit about you or your emotions. dustin, however, seemed to be the most concerned about you, constantly telling you that they'll warm up to you.

finally, while you were all just playing D&D, the boys began to leave. when mike was walking will and lucas out of the house, dustin pulled you to the side. "listen, i talked to the party... mike won't tell you why he doesn't want you in the group... it's because you remind him of someone he really liked, someone who used to be in our group."

"dustin why are you telling me this now?" you asked as he sat you down on the couch, seeming rushed as mike could come back any moment. 

"because i really like you, i think you should be in our party. listen... you have to promise not to tell anyone what i'm about to tell you..." he sounded serious, more serious than usual so you decided to play along, nodding carefully.

"okay, okay..."

he went on to explain everything, what really happened with will's disappearance, who this girl 'eleven' was, and why mike won't let you into the party. once you realized he wasn't kidding, you started to become really invested in this, as you had no idea any of this happened

"this is the rule of law... obey or be banished from the party." 

"o-okay... i won't tell anyone, i promise."

"good. welcome to the party (y/n)."


this is so fucking bad i can't

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