the party ◊ star wars

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"Dude, how excited are you to see Star Wars?" Dustin asked you, already getting out his DIY lightsaber and swinging it wildly around his room, jumping on his bed. "I mean... it's going to be amazing! It's the end all, be all, right? This is it!" He said, pumping his fist in the air and nearly knocking over a lamp.

"I don't know, Empire Strikes Back was one of the greatest movies ever made, I don't think this one is going to be as good." Mike said, displaying all of his Star Wars legos on his dresser as celebration of the ending of an era. 

"Hopefully they don't do the thing where they make a backstory for all of the characters, that would be totally shitty." Lucas said, laughing as he took the Yoda and started whoosing it around the room despite Mike's pleas. You giggled as you watched the nerds rant and rave about the franchise, as they'd just shown you the last two a couple days ago to get you ready. Honestly, you loved them... but you had a few problems; of course you didn't want to shit all over their parade so you kept quiet. 

Seeing the movie with these nerds made it all the more exciting. "Are you excited (Y/n)?" All eyes went towards you now, as they knew you were brand new to the loving of Star Wars and had to make sure you were down with all of the emotional commitment it took. 

"Of course! What girl wouldn't be?" You asked, stealing Dustin's lightsaber and running around with it, cautiously hitting him in the legs and avoiding any breakable furniture.

"Wait, guys! The ritual!" Will said, standing up and making all motion stop, including yours. You just smiled and laughed, thinking they were kidding but suddenly all eyes turned towards you, something short of maniac smiles tugging at their lips.

"Ritual?" You asked, returning the lightsaber to it's rightful place. "Are we going to cut our hands, hold each other and hope we don't retract some sort of life-long disease?" Suddenly, the lights went off, causing a light shock from you as you felt all 4 boys standing around you in a close circle.

"The ritual." Dustin announced in his best booming voice, you tried to hold back your laughter. "Do you, (Y/Full/N), accept the emotional, physical and mental trauma that comes with being a true Star Wars fan?"

"Haven't I already?" There was silence as you tried to crack a joke. "Um... Yes."

"And do you understand that we will always stick together throughout this process, even if the franchise falls to shit?"

"Of course."

"The force is strong with you, young padawan. You are accepted!" When the lights came back on, you burst out into laughter along with the rest of them, some collapsing to the ground at the sheer hilarity.

"Guys." Mike's mother opened the door and peaked her head inside. "It's time." All of you gasped and quickly got your things together, all jittery as you sat in her car. Mike's mom decided not to come with - for obvious reasons - but made sure that she came and picked you up at the exact time the movie was over.

"Good luck everyone. Be safe!" She called out as we all ran towards the already giant and growing line into the movie theatre; you really hoped it wouldn't be sold out by the time you got there. So you waited for what felt like years, but was only about 5 minutes until you finally got your ticket and sat down with the shared popcorn, each hand clamoring for a bite.

Once everyone was in, the lights dimmed and they played a couple trailers, each one wondering which one was going to be the last. And finally: it happened.

In a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


may the fourth be with you all 

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