billy hargrove ◊ protection

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when he sees someone flirting with you
i know he's an asshole but he's just so hot
lOoK aT hIs JaWliNe aND hiS eYeBRowS


in his eyes, you were the hottest girl in the school. he was the hottest guy in the school. he may be an asshole, but he was a softie on the inside, but only you could sniff it out from the beginning. that's why he found you so hot, he found you intimidating. nobody had the balls to intimidate billy hargrove. unfortunately, you were the hottest girl in the school to a lot of other boys.

billy was waiting to pick you up in his car, his arm leaning against the side and his head cocked sideways, searching for you silently while trying not to look desperate. he did eventually spot you, and he felt a fire flash over his chest as he saw a guy, arm having you trapped against the side of the fence. you didn't look as if you were struggling - you could knock any guy out in a heartbeat - but you did look the slightest bit uncomfortable. quickly, billy got out of his car and shut the door with a loud slam, catching a few people's attention nearby. 

"hey!" he yelled once he was in close proximity with the boy, catching him off guard and causing him to jerk his hand away from the fence. you turned around and smiled, seeing his jaw clench and his tongue run along the inside of his mouth. he was pissed. you loved seeing him jealous. "back off my girl, man." he said, grabbing you protectively by the hip and pulling you to his side. you smiled and pouted your lip at the boy who was flirting with you, he was nearly shaking in his boots. "listen to me, very carefully." he surprised you by grabbing the collar of the boy's shirt, pulling him so they were nearly nose-to-nose. "if you ever touch my girl, if you ever so much look in her direction ever again, you'll regret the day you were born." he released him dramatically, causing the boy to stumble a bit and start running away before he faced billy's fist. "you okay, babe?" he asked, looking down at you.

"fine. i could've taken care of it." you smiled, kissing his jaw before leading him to walk towards his car. honestly, you absolutely loved seeing him get jealous. that's how you knew you were really his; he was yours and he showed it with his overprotectiveness. not to mention the passionate make out sessions after he gets jealous, those are to die for.

"i know you could've babe." he nodded, getting in his car and starting the sputtering engine. he pulled out of the school parking lot, a cigarette hanging loosely out of his mouth. you noticed some of the girls staring at him, smiling and whispering to each other. their smiles quickly faded when they saw your icy glare straight at them, quickly getting in their cars and dispersing from each other.

you were a couple no to be fucked with. you both were powerful. you both provided protection to each other. you were unstoppable.


shit but i think i'm warming up to him...

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