mike wheeler ◊ jonathan?

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being older than mike and him being jealous of you and jonathan's relationship


"Hey, you don't have to be scared y'know... El is going to be just fine, I promise." You said, leaning down and ruffling Mike's hair. He smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not scared, this hose is just... heavy." You simply pursed your lips in a sarcastic smile, causing him to punch your shoulder lightly. You knew he liked you, but it was one of those crushes you had on an older person, you knew you couldn't date them but someone younger always ended up thinking they were super pretty and hoping they would have a relationship that could never happen. 

"Hey, do you like Eleven?" You asked, which made him stop in his tracks, his feet faltering for a second before he tried to continue on like it was nothing.

"W-what? N-no... of course not..." He said, shaking his head, though it was undeniable that Mike had a bigger crush on Eleven; at least he had a chance with her, while you liked someone else that was actually your age. "Why would you think that? D-did someone tell you something?"

"Woah, calm down... just an observation I made." You said, putting up your hands in fake self-defense, making Mike stick his tongue out at you.

"Do you like Jonathan now?" He asked, timid but firm, as if he was completely jealous and had no shame in his protectiveness. That definitely made your feet falter, as you were more experienced with hiding it so you weren't sure how he'd figured that one out. Suddenly, you started to panic... did Jonathan know about your crush? Probably not, since he was so fixated on Nancy, but they would make a really cute couple so you didn't have too much of a problem with it.

"What? No! He likes Nancy, dumbo." You said, ruffling his already messed up hair again and playfully throwing your arm around him; you could practically feel the jealously radiating off of him, as he knew about your crush. You had to admit, the kid was smart but he was also so... so dumb sometimes. "Come on, we have to get these back so we could put your girlfriend in some sort of tank thing." He flicked you lightly on the ribs, causing you to draw back slightly in surprise, but you laughed a breathless laugh and helped him carry his hose.

You both had hopeless crushes, but at least you knew Mike would find his girl. He was still very young, still had much of his future ahead of him, still had many girls to date... but you knew he liked Eleven, and he knew you liked Jonathan. 

It was only a matter of time before one of your snapped.

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