Miracles do happen

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This isn't happening. I stood still, my whole body shaking "Joh--"

"NO!" I screamed "THIS CAN'T BE!"




I shut my mouth and looked at Theodosia's teary eyes, she told us that the owner of the orphanage had died because of a rare disease, now with him gone... No one will pay for the house rent, and sooner or later we'll go homeless!

"I-I have an idea..." Theodosia started "I'll g-get more jobs so we can pay the rent slowly, it'll be hard but i'll manage" She managed to crack a smile "N-no, you'll overwork yourself Theo," Hercules frowned

"I'll be fine! don't worry!" She grinned, obviously fake "We'll help you, me and Herc can find part time jobs right?" I encouraged Herc, he grinned and nodded happily "Yeah! we can do it!" Theodosia smiled, for real this time "I would appreciate that..."

"Well! what're we waiting for Herc? Let's go look for jobs!" I grinned and pulled Herc out of the orphanage, eager to find part time jobs.

"Herc, I give up." I groaned as we walked the city of New york (IN THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD!) Herc sighed "John, we haven't even walked for 30 minutes and your already giving up?"

"I just realized that I don't have enough responsibilty for a job." I replied "Why?"

"Dude, I can't even babysit a 7-year old kid, much less have a job." I said

"Then do it for Theo, we can't keep on relying on her forever, She won't have time for herself! she doesn't even have a love interest! what kind of person doesn't have a love interest?!" Herc complained, I sighed "I guess you have a point..."

"Wait, look!" Herc pointed at a cafe with a flyer that practically screams 'HEY GET A JOB HERE!"

We quickly ran to the cafe and went inside, not bothering to care what kind of cafe it was--I mean, it's just a cafe.

Oh boy.

The moment we got in we wanted to leave immediently.

It turns out this cafe was a Butler cafe, I never knew there were Butler Cafe's in NYC. (lol just go with it 'kay?)

"Umm..." Herc looked at me, his eyes screaming 'RUN' but before we could leave a little girl wearing a butler uniform came to us "How may I help you?" she smiled sweetly

"Oh, nothing Miss we were just--"

"Don't 'Miss' me." She frowned, clearly offended. Oh, I get it "Oh, i'm sorry..Umm"

"I take that both of you are here for the job?" She asked, we both frozed- This was a life and death situation, should we; A, throw our pride, dignity and honor aside and work in this place. Or, B, GTFO.

Hmm, the second option seemed fine to me.


I was so pressured by a tiny girl that I accidentally squeaked "YES!" Hercules looked mortified, the little girl smirked and said "Follow me,"

that would be enough || LamsWhere stories live. Discover now