Orphan meets Billionaire

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"Alright guys! Wake up!" I said and practically shoved the blanket off them, they all groaned but Herc was the first one who sat down and glared at me "It's fucking 6:00 am."

"Yeah John it's fucking 6:00 am!"


"John, please refrain from shouting." Theo scolded and managed to convince everyone to start preparing, I swear that girl is an angel.

After an hour, we all gathered in the living room "Alright, Mr. Hamilton's assistant will pick up us soon, so you better be ready." Theo smiled.

After we ate some breakfast, we fixed up and sat down in the living room "Hey John, how're you feeling?" I looked up him and took a deep breath before replying "To be honest, a bit nervous."

"Why?" He frowned "It's just...I've been living in this orphanage for as long as I can remember, and even though this place looks like a dump, I...I just feel a bit sad about leaving, ya' know?"

"Bro." Herc looked at me with a serious expression and held both my shoulders "Were all in this together, where ever we are, where ever we go, were Family, and that'll never change. Sure, we love and still love this place, and it kinda sucks that we have to leave. But the important thing is that we'll all still be together, and where Family is...Home is there too." He trailed off

"Home is where the heart is, and our hearts belong to this family. Therefore, where ever we are, whatever situation we are in, we are still Home as long as were together as a Family." He said tearfully, I sat there shocked at his words "Wow..I never thought..."

He starte tearing up, I leaned towards him and hugged him, which he returned almost too quickly "I-I miss them..." He mumbled "I-I know..."

"I-I m-miss them John.."

"I know."


"Guys! he's here!" Theo exclaimed excitedly "Who is?" I asked "The friend who we owe BIGTIME!"

Herc grinned mischeviously "Don't worry Theo, once I take the guy to bed you won't be owing him anything anymore if your picking up what i'm putting down." He winked, wiggling his eyebrows "HERCULES MULLIGAN!" Theo screamed, flustered "Chill, it's just a joke! No homo bro!" Herc laughed.

"Aw, so it's not a valid offer, Mon ami?"

Herc's laughter immediently died down when we heard the familiar voice, I immediently smirked, the accent, the voice- there's no denying it, it's--

"Y-YOU?!" Hercules screamed, flustered. The familar frenchman stood behind Theo, his hair tied in a neat bun, his lips curved up into a smirk, and damn he should be wearing suits more often.

"We meet again, Mon ami, or should I say..." He went near Herc and held his chin, gently making him look upward to him "Hercules Mulligan?"


I swear when my name escaped his lips I almost fainted. His fingers felt warm on my chin, how is he so sexy? NO! NO HOMO THOUGHTS! I AM NOT GAY! NOPE! NO WAY!

"I-I W-w S-so-W-W-He-I did-" I started spouting jubberish, I couldn't think straight.

"Get' em Herc~!" I hear John cheer, along with the other orphans, I snapped out of it and backed away, falling on the couch "I'M NOT GAY!"

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