Orphan takes care of Billionaire

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a/n: guys i made a hamilton oneshot book entitled 'freedom || hamilton oneshots' and im so happy cuz not only i get to write oneshots but i get to practice and explore my writing too-yayyy- anyways, enjoy the first actual fluff of this story.

-3rd person POV


"Shut up you brat, your making it worse." Alexander hissed, pulling the blankets to his chest.

"You should get sick more often, it suits you!" John laughed "You actually look adorable-No one would suspect how much of a devil you really are!"

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Alexander screamed "Aw, don't you want little ol' John to take care of you?" John teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Get out right this instant, don't tempt me you brat--You'll regret it." Alexander threatened, glaring at him.

"Tempt you? Ohohoho Lord, care to elaborate Alexander?"

"I'll make you wear a nurse outfit and let you take care of me."

"Okay, point taken you perv." John frowned and took his backpack from Hamilton's bed "Well! See you after school asshole! don't forget to drink your medicines!"

"I hate you."

"I hate you too." John grinned and left, leaving Alexander in his pain.


"Aren't you gonna look after Mr. Hamilton?" Hercules asked as they walked towards the door.

"He'll live, he's got Mr. and Mrs. Washington to look after him, and besides- He's a grown man, he can take care of himself." John said as he opened the door "And there's so much more important things I should take care of, like school."

When John opened the door, he was surprised to see Martha and George all dressed up, he figured they will go somewhere but he thought wouldn't they stay and take care of Alexander?

"Ah! John! Hercules!" Martha smiled when she saw the two teenagers "Off to school?"

"Yes Mrs. Washington.." Hercules answered, smiling at them two "Well! Allow us to drive you towards school, it'll be better than walking." George insisted as he lead them towards his car.


"Um, Pardon me for asking Mrs. Washington, But where are the both of you going?" John asked, breaking the silence.

"Work, of course." Martha answered.

"But what about Alexander?" John asked again.

"What about him?" Martha said.

"Well, um... Who's gonna look after him?" John asked nervously, scratching his nape.

Martha smiled, touched by John's generosity, she knew that even though they both refuse to admit it, John and Alexander deeply cared for each other. Normally, Alexander wouldn't go after someone under a rain or a hurricane twice, but she saw there was no hesitation in Alexander's eyes when he ran after John that night yesterday.

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