I thought you were mine

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a/n: i'm thinking of writing a book about my rants, book ideas, opinions etc... it'll be a good book to communicate with my friends on wattpad...i have a lot to tell..is that a good idea?

this chapter is dedicated to ChrisSchuyler


Alexander felt like he's already walked the whole mansion already and was just running in circles "W-where are you John..?" He muttered under his breath, desperately trying to find his friend.

Well, friend isn't really the right term for their relationship.

Nevertheless, Alexander kept looking for the drunk boy- Not stopping until he finally finds him.


Lafayette sighed as he walked towards the last room he hoped Hercules would be "Where are you Hercules...?"

When Lafayette opened the door, he saw Hercules standing on the poolside, looking at God knows where.

"Hercules! There you ar--"

Lafayette was cut off when Hercules suddenly stepped into the  6 feet deep pool.

"HERCULES!" Lafayette screamed worriedly as he jumped into the pool without any second thought.

But that's when he remembered  he couldn't swim.

"G-gah! AIDEZ-MOI! S-SOMEBODY H-HEL--AHHH!" Lafayette suddenly felt his body getting lifted into air, he gasped and breathed heavily, circling his arms around the person who was carrying him.

"H-Hercules...?" Lafayette said between breaths, the drunk man giggled in response "Y-You d-don't know h-how to s-swim?" He said between hiccups.

"S-shut up." Lafayette said before removing his arms around his neck and placing them on his chest to support himself "T-take me to d-dry l-land pl-please..." Lafayette requested, pointing at the poolside.

"No." Hercules giggled.

"M-mon ami, p-please..." Lafayette begged tiredly "It's cold here..."

Hercules stared at the man he was carrying, his drunk eyes staring at Lafayette's "W-what..?"

"Do you hate me..?" Hercules asked, both drunk and serious at the same time "W-what?"

"Do you hate me now?" He ask again "I-I don't know w-what you--"

"Eversince we fucked, you've been i-ignoring me." He said and looked at him intently.

"I thought you loved me too, I thought we had something.." Hercules cried, speaking out the thoughts he couldn't say when sober.

"H-Hercules, your drunk.." Lafayette said, worry evident in his voice "I-i'm being honest Laf..." Hercules hiccupped.

"I love you Laf, I love you so much it hurts..." Hercules said as tears started falling down from his eyes and into the pool "I-I thought you loved me too..." Hercules smiled bitterly and looked at his eyes.

"I-I thought you were mine.."

Lafayette was crying at this point, he averted his gaze before wrapping his arms onto Hercules' neck and burying his face onto his shoulder.

"You probably w-won't remember this.." Lafayette sobbed in his shoulder "B-but.."

"I love you so much, Mon amour."

Hercules was taken aback, he gently pulled Lafayette from his shoulder to make the frenchman face him "B-but this..Us? It c-can't happen.." The frenchman sobbed.

"B-but why?" Hercules hiccupped "I love you, you love me..." Hercules stared at his teary eyes "So w-why can't we be together..?"

Lafayette shook his head, smiling bitterly "I-it can't happen Mon amour..." Lafayette said breathlessly "As much as I want us to happen..it just can't.."

"B-but it can!" Hercules said, Lafayette looked at him with a sad smile.

"Je t'aime, Mon amour."


"Just shut up and kiss me."


Alexander walked inside the elevator, looking at the buttons- Wondering which one he should press.

"T-the only place left is the roof.." Alexander sighed "Please be there, John.."

When Alexander heard the familar ding, his heart quickened. The elevator opened and he instantly stepped out.

He looked around and saw a silhoutte standing at the edge of the roof, he went closer and realized that it was John.

His heart stopped "J-john..? D-don't move.." He said as the said man turned around "Alex...?"

"Stay there John." Alexander ordered, cautiously walking towards the freckled teen "Alex.." John looked at him with dull eyes, his face red- Indicating he was drunk as hell "Alex~" John giggled out of nowhere.

"Shhh.." Alexander cooed as he stepped nearer to John "Just stay still, peaches.."

"Don't call me that." His mood suddenly changed as he glared at him "You lost that privilege." He hissed.

"Don't come a-any c-closer!" John said between hiccups, Alexander stopped walking and stared at him "J-John--"

"N-NO! D-DON'T SAY M-MY F-FUCKING N-NAME!" He yelled "I-I HATE YOU!" He screamed.

"John, please stop thrashing around." Alexander said worriedly, afraid that John might fall from such a high roof "SHUT UP!"

John glared at him intently "I hate you." He hissed again, His tone so venemous it made Alexander flinch "I hate you for doing this to me," He said and looked down "I hate you for barging into my life without warning.." He gritted his teeth.

"I hate you for being so perfect." He clenched his fist "I hate you for giving me these pitiful feelings.."


"I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MU--AHHHH!" John was cut off when he felt himself slip. He closed his eyes, tears falling out of them as he awaited to fall.

But instead he felt someone grab hold of him and pull him into their arms.

John felt himself on hard ground, he circled his arms around the body of his savior, burying his face onto their chest "ARE YOU INSANE?! YOU ALMOST GOT YOURSELF KILL--"

"I Love you."

Alexander felt his eyes softened, he heard John sobbing on his chest, his tears drenching his clothes "I hate you for making me love you.." John hiccupped.

"I hate you for making me think you actually loved me back..." He sobbed "I hate you for making me create bad life decisions."


"I hate you for making me think that we actually had a c-chance.." John cried "I-I..."

"I thought you were mine..."

Alexander watched silently as the drunk boy cry in his chest, he caressed his hair and hugged him. Trying to calm him down.

Eventually, they were sitting on the ground, looking at the lights of New York City, John's head on Alexander's shoulders.

They exchanged no words as they watched the beautiful lights, they hoped no one would ruin this perfect moment.

They both eventually fell asleep, satistfied in the comfort of each other's arms.

Atleast, for a moment- They could forget about everything in each other's warmth.

that would be enough || LamsWhere stories live. Discover now