The Orphan's Feelings

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a/n: publishing a chapter on the wattpad app then going to safari to dedicate it to you bcz ily guys and the wattpad app just doesn't have that dedication function, damn it.

this chapter is dedicated to PURPLE-Ryu12345


"She's coming back?" Charlotte asked, a bit of shock in her voice "Yep, it's official.." Angelica sighed.

"When?" Charlotte bit her lip "Tomorrow." Peggy answered.

"TOMORROW?!" She screamed in horror "T-this is wrong timing! N-not that I don't want her coming back but.."

"I know.." Peggy sighed and looked up the ceiling.

"I know."


"Hercules, I feel sick."

"No your not, now stop complaining and let's go to work." Hercules sighed "It's Sunday Hercules."

"Sunday?" Hercules looked dumbfounded "Oh."

"I feel a weird sensation on my stomach.. Tsk, it's that bastard's fault! Eversince he did that act I've been feeling weird and tingly inside!"

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah...Woah." Hercules looked shocked "Let's rewind a bit."

"Uh, okay?" John looked confused "Eversince he did that act you've been feeling strange things in your stomach?"

"Not just in my stomach, but also in my chest! It just tightens and it hurts but feels so good! I don't know?! Am I crazy?!" John pulled his hair frustratingly "Yes, you are crazy."

"That's not helpi--"

"Crazy inlove."

John was as red as a tomato "I-I am NOT inlove with Alex! I'm not even gay!"

"Oh please, I've seen the way you looked at James' ass, your definitely gay." Hercules snickered as John became more red if possible "H-hey! You stare at his ass too!"

"I can't help it, his ass is fine." Hercules smirked "That's disgusting." John gritted his teeth "I'm not gay and that's final-- And I don't love Alex, were just friends." John glared as he stood up.

"Friends don't give hickeys to each other Jacky!"



"John? Are you alright?"

"K-kira?!" John squeaked out "Y-yeah, i'm fine.." He mumbled as he fixed his ponytail "Are you sure? You seem a bit...sick."

"He's just lovesick, darling."

"Mrs. Washington! I was just lea--"

"Don't be too polite Ms. Fune," She smiled "I don't bite...Hard." she giggled in a scary way, making both of them shudder.

"So John, have you finally realized your undying love with my son?" Martha smirked, making John blush "N-no..I don't like him that way.."

"Are you sure?~" Kira wiggled her eyebrows "Yes, i'm sure." John glared at her.

"It's a sin to lie, John." Martha said "Hate the sin-love the sinner." Kira said randomly.

"I'm not lying! I don't like Alexander that way!" John screamed.

"Oh my God John can you just give the readers what they want? They're all getting tired of your complaints, stop being in denial. Your gay as fuck and you and all of the people reading this crap know it, and we have proof." Kira said menacingly, bringing out a bunch of letters.

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