Meet me Outside

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a/n: I thought i lost this chapter, i made some minor changes btw.

-3rd person POV

After that exhausting day, John and the others went to ahead to eat dinner.

Alexander wasn't there, he was still too busy dealing with the press for some final remarks.

John was showered with praises when they arrived at the dining room, but Theodosia wasn't exactly happy about it.

"John, you are a gift from heaven." Martha praised him, smiling happily "That was quite a show you put on there kid, not bad." Jefferson smirked, slapping John's ass.

John let out a squeal "JEFFERSON!" Burr exclaimed, panic in his voice "Oh God can you stop acting like a perverted old man?!"

"But he is a perverted old man." Nathaniel said, taking a bite of his steak "I'm hurt." Jefferson pouted, dramatically placing his hand to his forehead and the other to his hip.

"Mon ami, you do realize that Monsieur Hamilton will not be..How do you say it--Happy? about it?" He said, but it sounded more of like a question

John let out a scoff "Well, the bastard wanted me to lie, so I might as well have fun doing it." He said as he sat down to eat, only to be interupted by the sound of angry screeching "YOU FUCKING BRAT!"

"Uh oh!" George Eacker exclaimed, a glint of amusement in his eyes "Looks like the little lion found it's next prey."

John let out a bored sigh "Don't curse infront of the children Hamilton, it's ru---"

John instantly shutted his mouth when Hamilton's fist met the table, the plates on it shook violently, the glass cups vibrating from how strong the impact was.

Hamilton stared at John, Anger evident in his eyes "Meet me outside."

Alexander stomped towards the door, an menacing aura radiating from him, John gulped. He knew he made Alexander that furious, and he was going to face the consequences.

John followed the older man, sweat falling down his face. He walked outside, closing the door behind him. When he turned around, Alexander slammed his hands besides John's face, pinning him to the wall. John hitched a gasp, his heartbeat getting louder every second. Alexander placed his knee in between John's legs, close to his crotch. He leaned closer to the frightened teen, John held his breath, he tried not to move. If he moved even for an inch he and Alexander's lips would meet.

"You've crossed the line, Brat." Alexander snarled, anger evident in his voice "You do know what this means, right?"

"L-look, M-mr. Hamilton-- i-i'm so sorry, I'll leave, j-just don't do anything to the other orphans..." John said, barely even whispering. He felt tears on the corners of his eyes, but held them back.

"You just don't get it, do you!?" Alexander screamed "Did you realized what you have done?!" John was trembling, fear filled his whole body, he couldn't respond nor think straight.

"I warned you not to drive me into a wall, but you just did." He hissed, leaning even closer if possible "I tried dealing with your stupid act but i'm done."

John could hear his heart pounding, they were so close they could kiss. The tension was so thick, John fel like melting on the spot.

Suddenly, John felt a different kind of fear, it felt so familiar but he couldn't seem to grasp on what it was. He felt more scared than ever, anxiety and fear filled his thoughts. John started hyperventilating, but Alexander was too furious to even notice.

"No wonder your parents abandoned you." Alexander snickered "They couldn't handle the attitude of a stupid excuse for a son-" Alexander shutted himself up when he realized what he was doing, but it was too late.

John breathed heavily, tears falling down his eyes- the poor boy was shaking, his teeth clattering from all the fear he was feeling. Alexander felt a surge of emotions swirling up inside him. Fear, worry, and especially; Guilt.


John pushed him harshly, Alexander's back hitting the wall, John quickly ran away, he opened the door to the outside only to be greeted by the heavy rain. He continued running aimlessly, ignoring the tears and cries that were calling after him.

Alexander felt numb, his ears ringing. He saw Martha and George screaming at him but he couldn't hear them, he looked at the other familiar faces that were either crying or calling for help on their phones.

Alexander felt something snap inside of him, he wasn't going to lose John because of him again. Not now, not ever.

Alexander shoved the people away from him, running towards the direction where John ran off to.

He heard people calling out to him, but he didn't care. All he cared about was finding John. He wasn't going to lose him too, he wasn't going to let go of him.

Alexander wasn't going to let go of the best thing that ever happened to him again.

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