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a/n; angsty day is equal to angsty chapter yay

this chapter is dedicated to @ImWillingToWait4It

"These rings are chosen by yours truly!" Evil grinned as she gave Eliza and Alexander the diamond rings "Make sure to show it off to the Kinloch's on your engangement party! Shove it down their throats if you have to."


"It's Ma'am."

"Ma'am." Eliza looked at her, a mixture of courage and fear on her face "I-Is this really a good decision? Isn't it too early for us to be wedded--"

"Early? Didn't this man wait for you for so many years?" Evil glared at her "Don't be selfish, this is also for the good of both our companies."

"B-but.." Eliza looked at Alexander, a tiny bit of hope in her eyes "A-Alexander, don't you have a say about this?"

Alexander was silent for a moment "It's for the best." He said "This is for both our companies."

Eliza bit her lip and looked away, averting her gaze to the ring "Damnit..."

Eliza was instantly met with a slap on her face.

"No cursing in my presence!" She hissed, glaring at her evily "My apologies, Ma'am..."

Eliza only had one last hope, and that was John.


"This is absurd." Angelica hissed as she watched her step-mother slap her sister "If only I get to have a say in this..."

"Eliza doesn't want this." Peggy frowned "We have to help her somehow."

"Mother won't let her decide on her own free will," Angelica frowned "It's either Alexander or Father to make the move."

"Or John." Charlotte intervenes "If he manages to make Alexander fall for him before the wedding, he'll cancel it."

"That's the problem." Angelica gritted her teeth "Alexander has already fallen for John, he just wouldn't admit it."

"It's all in Alexander's hands now," Peggy said "If he doesn't realize it soon, then all hope is lost."

"There's a high probability that Alexander's ego won't let him admit he's fallen for John that easily." Charlotte sighed "And besides, this is his work were talking about- And you know Alexander when it comes to business."

"Yes, that is true." Angelica sighed "I guess money really is the root of all Evil."

Charlotte looked at Evil intently "Yes... It truly is.."


John was sitting in the living room lifelessly, staring at the ceiling for God knows how long.

Classes were starting tomorrow, and he was definitely not looking forward to it.

He felt broken, yet numb- His heart was feeling so much pain but it felt empty, he couldn't grasp the feeling, but whatever it was- He didn't like it.

"You both sit here! I'll call the press and make your engagement viral!" Evil's voice echoed the room, John averted his gaze at the couple who sat down almost next to him, his eyes dull of emotion.

"Stay here!" Evil said as she left the room, leaving the three in a deafening silence.

John was sitting on Eliza's left side, Alexander on her right- The woman felt a tension between the two, and she wasn't liking it one bit.

She just wanted to be at Maria's side.

"John." Her voice interrupted the tension "I haven't seen you since yesterday, how are you?"

"Shitty." He mumbled, glaring at Alexander for a split second.

Eliza frowned "W-well... I guess school is starting tomorrow h-huh? You must be excited..."

"Oh sure i'm fucking excited to go back to school! Who wouldn't be?!" He said, sarcasm dripping off his voice.

"What the fuck is your Goddamn problem?!" Alexander snapped "Alexan--"

"My problem is you Hamilton!" John hissed "I can't believe you willingly accepted the proposal so easily!"

"It's my life, I can do whatever I fucking want." He hissed.


John's voice began to broke "C-CONSEQUENCES THAT A-AFFECT OTHER PEOPLE!" He cried "I-including me..."

John started sobbing infront of them, but Alexander didn't seemed fazed at all "So what if it affects you? You don't mean anything to me."

"I fucking love you Alexander, does that mean nothing to you...?" John glared, his eyes filled with pure rage and heartbreak.

"John..." A woman hid behind the pillar, sadness and pity in her eyes "I-I'm sorry..."

Martha started to cry "I-I'm so sorry..."

Alexander was silent "Don't Eliza's feelings about this mean nothing to you?"

Eliza gulped and looked away "Did Eliza even had a say about this..?"

"You don't understand." Alexander hissed "This is for the good of the company--"

"You are a billionaire Hamilton, you own tons of estates- You could even buy an island if you wanted to." John said "Isn't that enough? Does those things not satisfy you that you are so eager to throw away the people who truly care about you just to get to the top?"

John looked at him with broken eyes "When would you stop?"

"This is an act of political sacrifice!" Alexander yelled, making John hitch a gasp "S-sacrifice....?"

John chuckled bitterly "Alexander, you've never even met sacrifice."


"Alexander, stop this.. Please.." Eliza begged "You've hurt him enough.."

Alexander hissed at her before glaring at John "Don't involve yourself in this situation Laurens, your too much of a brat to understand."

"What's not to understand?!" John screamed.


John stood up from his seat harshly "Look around! ISN'T THIS ENOUGH?!" He yelled, gesturing to his mansion.

"He will never be satisfied..." Martha whispered as she leaned down to the wall.

"Let's go Schuyler." Alexander growled and pulled Eliza harshly from her seat "Ale--"

"Shut it, woman."

"WHAT WOULD BE ENOUGH?!" John screamed after them, heavy tears pouring out of his eyes.

"He will never be satisfied.." Martha whispered breathlessly.

"Your never satisfied.." John hissed bitterly.


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