The Billionaire cares

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a/n: im frickin sick-also, warning; rape attempt

-3rd person POV

John felt only one thing, Fear.

John kept running, he wasn't just afraid of Alexander, he was afraid of something he didn't even know what. Rain drenched his clothing, his feet splashing in the water underneath him.

He remembered what happened between him and Alexander before he ran away, he felt like that happened before in his past, but he couldn't seem to remember what.

John then realized what was happening, then got even more scared if possible. He didn't know where he was, he was lost.

"Oh my, what do we have here?" An evil voice whispered, he hitched a gasp when he saw 7 people surrounding him, obviously thugs "Little lamb lost in the rain?"

"Leave me alone." John tried to sound brave, but he was too weak to fight. Fear filled his veins, the thugs laughed at him "Trying to act brave? little lamb? How cute."

One of the thugs tried to grab his arm, but John instantly punched him in the face, causing the man to groan in pain and fall the ground, creating a loud splash.

John then felt a strong impact in his abdomen, he screamed in pain, falling to his knees "Careful, little lamb- I wouldn't want to hurt your pretty face." He cooed.

"Hey, this one's feisty! He's a keeper alright!" The man he punched stood up from the ground, a devious smirk on his face "We'll keep 'em, but i'll let you morons have a bit of fun with him."

The thugs erupted into cheers "Did you hear that little lamb? You get to play with us!"

John felt hands grab his arms "L-let me go! s-stop!"

(warning: attempt of rape starting)

He gasped when he felt a hand slip inside his shirt "N-NO! S-STOP! PLEASE!"

"Shh! quiet!" The man hissed and traced his fingers to the freckled man's waist. John shivered, tears falling down his greenish eyes, he felt someone suck on his neck, he thrashed around, trying to get out "Stop moving you brat!"

John let out a scream "SOMEBODY HELP ME--!" He was cut off when a hand covered his mouth "I told you to be quiet you bitch!"

John's eyes widened im horror when he felt someone removing his belt, he struggled to get free, but no avail.

Suddenly, John felt a strange feeling of deja vu.

He felt more scared then ever, tears fell down his eye like waterfalls, he tried to make some noise but he knew that no one would hear him, especially with the heavy rain.

He felt the man licking his neck start grinding at him from behind, John felt utterly disgusted as the man started to let out a shaky moan. Suddenly, the thug that was preventing him from making a sound placed his fingers inside of John's mouth.

The freckled boy choked, tears fell down his eyes. The man started thrusting his fingers down to John's throat, making the younger boy have a hard time to breath.

His pants were suddenly stripped down from him, John let out a muffled scream and struggled harder to break free. He felt the rain drip down to his thighs, the cold air making his legs weaker every second.

John was loosing hope, but he doesn't want his life to end up like this. So, with his remaining strength, he bit the man's fingers, hard, making the man pull his fingers out "SHIT! THAT FUCKING HURT!"

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