Supermarket Flowers

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a/n: a very quick filler chapter while i still have data.

also, Laizy-boy noticed me omfg- chapter inspired by 'Supermarket flowers' by Ed Sheeran-you can listen to it on the top while reading this chappie- he's becoming my favorite artist omg.

this chapter is dedicated to unoliekdoges


"No, no, no..." Evil hissed as she threw away the flowers "These just aren't the ones I'm looking for."

Alexander sighed "Then what kind of flowers do you wish for?"

"Something as beautiful as me, of course." Evil said and flipped her hair "Your servants are no good at this, how about you go find flowers instead? Surely you have taste."

Alexander prevented himself from talking back "I'll be back."

"Make sure there as beautiful as me, Darling!"


Alexander sighed as he walked out the flower shop "This is absurd, why am I picking flowers for that bitch?"

He glanced around the streets and saw another flowershop at the other side, he was about to walk towards it when-

"I wouldn't buy flowers there if I were you."

"G-GAH!" Alexander screamed and stepped back, he turned around and saw-


"Yow." She grinned and took his hand "That flower shop doesn't take care of their flowers." She said "But the Supermarket has fresh flowers even at this time of night."

Alexander raised his brow "How do you know that?"

Kira was silent for a moment "I just know."

Alexander pulled his hand away from her "What a half-assed explanation." He hissed "I can buy flowers myself, thank you very much."

"Don't sass me, Alexander." Kira glared at him "Just come and listen to me--"

"Why would I listen to a damn 13- year old brat?!" Alexander cut her off.

"Damn, what would a girl have to do to not get her sentences cut off and finish it." Kira sighed "And correction, 14-year old brat."

Alexander looked surprised "I didn't know you were already 14."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." Kira smiled "Anyways, let's go."

Alexander didn't obliged "You're right." He said "From all the information I've gathered from all the people I know- You're the only one that has many empty spaces on your profile."

Alexander eyed her carefully "How do I even know that Kira isn't your real name?"

"It's not." Kira said "Now you know something."

"Tsk, why do you waste your time with grown ups like me? Don't you have any friends?" He hissed "And speaking of you-- I haven't seen you since... N-new year? Where have you been?"

Kira ignored his second statement "I don't have friends."

Alexander laughed "Yes you do." He stated "George, Aisis, Joh--"

"I mean I don't have friends outside this boo--" Kira stopped herself "O-outside... this.."

Alexander raised a brow "I lost you." He sighed "Everybody is bound to have one friend."

"I have friends, I just don't trust them." She said "And they talk about me behind my back." She smiled.

"Now, that's just sad." Alexander looked worried for a split second "Nah, I'm used to it."

A silence occured.

"I had a friend once." She smiled sadly, turning around and gazing at the night sky "He was everything to me, but when I realized it... He already left."

"He helped me in everything." She laughed "No matter how hard I push him away, how hurtful my words are- He managed to break down my walls and help me become strong in my own way."

"He was so kind that I thought when someday when he... disappears.." Kira gulped "And when G-God takes him back." Kira clenched her fists.

"H-he'd say Hallelujah, you're home.."

Kira took a deep breath "He accepted me even when I told him I... I was.." Kira stopped herself.

"He sounds like a great guy." Alexander said "If one person can love you like that, I'm sure many people will too."

"That's where you're wrong." Kira hissed "I am never wrong."

Kira turned around in anger "Tell me, Hamilton." She hissed and stomped towards him "Tell me could you love me?"

Alexander was surprised "Tell me could you love me? Tell me.." She whispered "Tell me could you love me if I told you--"

She covered her mouth.

"Kira...?" Alexander felt something rise in his stomach "I-I'm fine.. L-let's just go get those flowers.."

They walked silently.

Alexander gulped "Y-you know, thinking about it... T-that guy friend of yours.. When is he coming back?" He heard Kira hitch a gasp "I-I would really like to meet him.

Kira stopped walking "Kira...?"

He suddenly heard sobs, he widened his eyes.

Could it be? That little naughty, happy-go-lucky brat is---

Kira turned around.

"God took him home

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"God took him home."

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